Chapter 67

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Lena has now just got home with Ashley, and as soon as she and Ashley walk in the door, they are greeted by Natalie, with a concerned look on her face, coming walking out of the living room area, and approaching the two of them. Without saying a single word, Natalie takes Ashley in for a tight hug, clearly wanting to comfort her sister after hearing what happened to Ashley today. In the past, the girls may have had issues with Lena, due to Andrea's bullshit, and her manipulating the two girls, and the girls may now have issues with Andrea due to the horrible things she has done, but the two sisters have always been close with one another. It makes Lena happy to see this reaction between her two daughters, while also making her glad that the two only have a few years apart in age difference. Lena thinks it would be hard for a much younger girl to really understand what Ashley had gone through today, and thereby give Ashley affection, by taking her in for a hug.

"Are you okay, Ash?" Natalie asks, in a concerned voice, while continuing to hug the 14-year-old.

"I'm...... doing better, Nat." Ashley replies, as she hugs her younger sister back.

Natalie and Ashley continue to hug for a few more moments, all while Lena just watches on, with a smile on her face. Eventually though, Natalie and Ashley do part from their hug, with Natalie now turning to look at Lena.

"Hi, mom." Natalie says, and now hugs Lena.

"Hello, darling." Lena replies, as she hugs her daughter, now realising that maybe the situation with Ashley has made Natalie a bit emotional today, "How are you, darling? Did you have a good day at school."

"I'm okay." Natalie replies, "School was okay. I was just worried about Ash all day. I wanted her to be okay."

"You are a very caring, sister, darling." Lena says, as she parts from the hug with Natalie, and places both her hands on Natalie's cheeks, looking her directly in the eyes, "But, Kara took very good care of Ashley. I think your sister is doing a little better right now."

"Okay." Natalie nods.

"Now, why don't the two of you go put your things away, and then we can all settle down and watch a movie together, before having our dinner. How does that sound?" Lena suggests.

"Yeah.... okay." Ashley nods.

"I'm okay to do anything." Natalie says, with a smile.

Natalie then, without saying a word, takes Ashley's hand, and begins leading her upstairs, clearly just holding Ashley's hand as another sign of affection. Lena simply smiles seeing this once more.


Back in Kara's apartment, Alex has stayed behind, with Kara, after Ashley and Lena left. For the last half an hour, Alex has just been sitting there quietly, drinking some water, while Kara finishes off the last bit of her work. Before this, the two did decide that they would hang out together this evening, and have a sisters night, as Alex has nothing else to do this evening. Kelly is busy with some therapy clients, which are going to run late, then Sam has some activities that she is going to be taking Ruby to. Alex, for her part, would be more than happy to hang out with Sam and Ruby, however, Sam has decided that it might be best to just slowly ease Ruby into them spending more and more time together. Alex thought this would be a good idea too, as Alex and Kelly certainly don't want Ruby to feel like Ruby is losing being allowed to have alone time with her mom. But in the future they all will be spending more time together, due to Sam being pregnant, and a pup being on the way, sometime in the next 9ish months.

"Okay." Kara says, with a sigh, as she closes her laptop, "I'm finished."

"Great!" Alex smiles, "What do you want to do tonight?"

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