Chapter 8

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Much like Sam did with Kelly and Alex, Lena called her own driver to come and pick both her and Kara up too. Lena's driver just let the CEO know he'd be there in 5 minutes.

"So, is having your own driver a typical CEO thing?" Kara asks.

Lena scoffs.

"Surely you'd know from working as an assistant to Cat Grant?" Lena replies.

"Yes, but she's only one CEO I know, you're the second." Kara says back, with a smile.

"Well, I can't speak for all the CEOs I know, but I think having our own personal driver is common among us. It's just a luxury to have, as this way when I go from one place to another, I don't have to worry about figuring out how to get there or anything. Then personally for me, I spend the time in the car, where I would be driving my, doing more work. Although I know not all CEOs are like that." Lena explains.

"I see." Kara nods, "So.... uhhh you don't have to answer this if you feel I'm being too intrusive.... but.... do you use your driver when you have your kids?"

"Oh." Lena replies, growing a disappointed look on her face, as she is now reminded that she should be spending this weekend with Natalie and Ashley.

"Shoot. I've made you feel awkward. You don't have to answer. I'm sorry for asking." Kara quickly says, noticing Lena's change in demeanour.

"No. It's not that." Lena replies, shaking herself out of thinking about her kids, "But uhmmm.... I try not to use my driver when I have the kids. It feels more intimate if I'm driving them. I only use my driver when I have them, on very few circumstances."

"I see." Kara nods.

There is then a silence between the two women, basically the first major silence since they began talking this evening. Thankfully though, the silence is soon interrupted by Lena's driver pulling up in front of them.

"This is my driver." Lena smiles.

The driver quickly gets out of the car and opens one of the rear doors for Lena and Kara.

"Thank you, Frank." Lena smiles.

"Of course, Miss Luthor." Frank replies.

Lena then slips into the back seat of the car, with Kara following close behind her. Lena's driver then closes the door behind them, before getting into the driver's seat himself.

"Where to, Miss Luthor?" Lena's driver asks.

Once Lena's driver asks this question, Lena hesitates for a second, because she has two options. Lena could either have her driver take them to her apartment, or to her home. Usually if Lena were taking someone to her home, she'd go to her apartment, as it feels less initiate that way. Lena has previously done this over the last few years with some other CEOs, or scientific minds who she wants to work with, and has been trying to schmooze. So that is a possibility as to what she could do with Kara right now.

"My house please." Lena says.

"Right away, Miss Luthor." The driver replies.

Lena has found herself telling her driver to take them to her home because she feels comfortable with Kara, and she wants to show the blonde the real her, which she feels is more the case in her house, than her apartment. This isn't because Lena is thinking about pursuing a relationship with Kara or anything though. Lena isn't even thinking about having sex with Kara tonight. Lena simply wants to spend time with the blonde, and her home feels like the best place to do so.


Meanwhile, Sam, Kelly and Alex have all just arrived at Alex's apartment, and things are getting really hot and heavy between them. The three women are currently in a three way make out session, all while they remove each other's clothing.

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