Chapter 23

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Kara and Lena continue to kiss for a little while, both of them just being lost in the moment and everything. Soon though, Lena realises what she is doing, and pulls back from Kara's lips. It breaks Lena's heart a little to see Kara chasing her lips as she pulls away. Lena just really hopes she hasn't completely fucked up by kissing Kara, and caused the young blonde to get confused once more. This isn't what Lena came here to do. Lena came here to comfort Kara, not to kiss her, and potentially hurt the blonde again.

"Shit. I'm sorry." Lena says, as she lightly bites her lip, on the inside of her mouth, nervously.

"It's okay." Kara says, in a soft voice.

"No. It's not." Lena replies, "I was stupid. I shouldn't have kissed you. I shouldn't be sending you mixed signals or anything. Especially when you are vulnerable because of what happened."

"I said, it's okay Lena." Kara says, "I know you didn't mean anything by it. It was..... nice. You are carrying our pup, so anything you want, I'll do, that's what the alpha is supposed to do, right? And if that means kissing you again, I certainly won't say no."

Lena chuckles upon hearing Kara say that.

"Stop. When you speak like that, it makes me want to kiss you again." Lena replies.

"Well, I shouldn't stop then." Kara smiles back.

Lena chuckles again.

"But you are sure you are okay?" Lena asks, "Like I said, I don't want you thinking I'm sending you mixed signals. I... I still haven't changed my mind about.... us being together."

"I know Lena." Kara says, "It's okay."

"Alright then." Lena says, with a nod of her head.

A silence then falls in the room, as Kara and Lena just sit there on Kara's couch.

"So uhmm..... when would you like to reschedule to meet my daughters?" Lena asks, "Only if you are up to it of course. I don't want you to thinking I'm pressuring you."

"I don't think that." Kara replies, "But uhmmm..... how about tomorrow lunch?"

"Really?" Lena asks, surprised, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Kara nods, "I'm up for it. Talking with you has really helped. And hopefully I can put this behind me for now."

"Alright." Lena nods, "We don't have any plans for lunch tomorrow, so I'd be happy for you to come over then and meet Natalie and Ashley."

"Great!" Kara exclaims, with a big smile, "I'll look forward to it."

"Okay. I should probably go then." Lena says, as she stands up from the couch, "I had to leave the girls at Jack's, and let's just say that's not the best place for them to be."

"Okay." Kara smiles, "Should I bring anything with me tomorrow? I want to make a good first impression."

"Just bring yourself, that will be more than good enough." Lena replies, with her own smile.

"Okay." Kara nods.

Lena and Kara then say goodbye to one another, before Lena leaves Kara's apartment and heads off to go pick up Natalie and Ashley, so they can spend the rest of their Saturday together.


It is now later on, Saturday evening, and Lena is currently eating dinner with Natalie and Ashley. Since picking the two girls up at Jack's, Lena has avoided talking about Kara, because she didn't want to give the girls any details of the story Kara told her, about what happened to her. This isn't because Lena is ashamed of the story, or thinks her girls won't be able to handle listening to it or anything. This is simply because, at the end of the day, the story is Kara's business, and she is the one that gets to decide who she shares it with. Then Lena knows that even if she said a little thing about why Kara was upset, the two girls would not let it go, and would ask for more details, which Lena knows she can't provide them with. However, despite Lena not mentioning Kara, she knows she needs to now, because she needs to tell Natalie and Ashley that Kara will be coming over for lunch tomorrow.

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