Chapter 91

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Kara continues to hug both Natalie and Ashley, holding the sobbing girls closely, knowing there is absolutely nothing she can do to help these girls or ease their pain. All Kara can do is be here for the girls, and give them all the affection they deserve and need in this incredibly emotional and trying time. Kara continues like this with the girls for a good couple of minutes. But eventually it becomes clear that some of the hospital employees really do want them to leave. So, Kara eventually forces herself to part from the hug with Natalie and Ashley, despite the fact the two girls are still crying.

"We have to go now, girls. The hospital isn't allowed to have us here anymore." Kara says, in a soft voice.

"Okay...." Natalie says, with a sniffle.

Ashley simply nods her head, not saying anything further.

Meanwhile, as Kara has been hugging Natalie and Ashley, Lena has just been looking on with a very sympathetic look on her face. Admittedly, Lena is glad that the girls have sort out comfort in Kara. Lena is happy that the girls have that sort of bond with Kara. However, ultimately Lena knows her girls are only seeking out comfort from Kara because of how much pain they are in, and Lena doesn't want that for her girls. No amount of happiness Lena would get from seeing how good Kara and the girls interact with each other would be worth and sort of pain Natalie and Ashley are experiencing. Ultimately though, Lena knows there is nothing she or Kara can really do about the pain, or anything.

"Let's go home girls." Lena now says, in a soft voice.

Natalie and Ashley now look over at Lena and nod their heads. A few moments later, the group all begin to work their way out of the hospital, and much to both Kara and Lena's surprise, Ashley takes Lena's hand in her own to hold, while Natalie takes Kara's hand. Kara and Lena don't make a big deal about it though, not wanting the girls to get any sort of emotion from their surprised reactions to them holding their hands.

Eventually the family all make their way out of the hospital and get in the car that Kara drove Natalie and Ashley to the hospital in, and all head back home.


After Natalie, Ashley, Kara and Lena return home, Natalie and Ashley's emotional states don't improve from there, which is totally understandable. The girls cry a little bit, but mostly just look mundane and sad, and nothing helps, no matter how much affection Kara and Lena give the two girls. Then, eventually, when they all sit down for their dinner, neither Natalie or Ashley eat much, or even really touch their food at all. It just makes Kara and Lena all the more concerned.

"Girls. I'm not sending you to school tomorrow. I'm going to let you stay home for the rest of the week, at least, okay?" Lena says.

"Okay." Natalie says, not showing much emotion on her face one way or the other.

"Are we going to see ma again tomorrow then?" Ashley asks.

"Uhhh...." Lena says, and then looks at Kara.

It's in this moment that Lena realises that someone is going to need to stay home and look after Natalie and Ashley, as even though they are old enough to be at home on their own, they shouldn't be, given the emotional state they are in, because of everything. However, Lena knows that she can't stay at home with Natalie and Ashley, because she just has far too much work to do at L-Corp tomorrow. Plus she wasn't to personally be there when Andrea is given her first trial drug treatment, not really to be there for Andrea, but to actually watch and make sure Andrea is actually going through with it. So, because of all that, the only person that can actually stay at home with Natalie and Ashley is Kara, and Lena certainly will not ask Kara to take Natalie and Ashley to see Andrea tomorrow, on top of her asking her to stay at home and watch the girls. That would just be taking far too much advantage of Kara.

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