Chapter 68

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It is now the following day, and reluctantly today Lena dropped Ashley and Natalie off at school, before heading off to L-Corp to start her own day. Lena did offer to let Ashley stay home today, to continue to recover from what happened yesterday, but Ashley seemed very firm in wanting to go to school today, and not wanting to shy away from what happened, and have all her classmates talk, and start rumours. Upon hearing that, that Ashley actually wants to go to school, Lena was, and still is, so proud of her oldest daughter, as she is truly being so brave after what happened. Lena honestly wouldn't have blamed Ashley if she was scarred from what happened for a long long time. So, reluctantly, Lena did let Ashley go to school today, with her making sure to actually drop her two girls off at school, rather than having them get the bus, which they do sometimes in the morning when they are staying with her, although mostly in the afternoon when they are getting back from school. Before Lena dropped Ashley off though, she told the 14-year-old that throughout the day, no matter what she would be doing, she is going to have her phone on her at all times, where she will be able to answer a call at any moment, unlike yesterday. Lena doesn't want there to be another moment from Ashley where she gets emotional or something, and wants to speak with her, but can't, and has to end up phoning Kara. Thinking of that, Lena makes a mental note in her mind to thank Eliza, as after all, yesterday Ashley didn't directly phone Kara, because she didn't have her number, she had to phone Eliza, who then gave her Kara's number.

For the first few hours of Lena's workday at L-Corp, the brunette just does her normal CEO activities. Weirdly though, she doesn't get interrupted by Jack or Sam barging into her office, which has become a common, almost daily, occurrence. The fact Sam and Jack haven't barged in to talk with her has Lena a little bit worried that her two best friends are probably getting into trouble somehow. But outside of this, Lena has found it a bit difficult today to actually focus on her work, as she has constantly been looking at her phone, making sure Ashley isn't calling her, as her mind just won't get off Ashley. Eventually though, Lena's phone does ring, and she quickly grabs it, and sees that she is not being called by Ashley, but by Ashley's school instead, which worries her right away.

"Hello?" Lena answers, with a clear note of nervousness in her voice.

"Hello, am I speaking to Miss Luthor?" A male voice says.

"Yes, this is her." Lena replies, still pretty anxious to find out what this call is about.

"Hello, this is principal Atkins. I was just calling to discuss with you about the incident that happened yesterday. Is now a good time to talk for you?" The principal asks.

"Yes. Now is a good time." Lena nods, relieved that this call is about the consequences of yesterday, rather than another issue with Ashley popping up.

"Good." The principal replies, "I did try and contact Miss Andrea Rojas, the other parent to your children, but none of our calls were getting through to her, both today, and yesterday, or so I'm told."

Admittedly, upon hearing this, Lena does think it's typical of Andrea, especially with how much of an asshole Andrea is being recently to the kids. However, Lena is also a bit pissed of that obviously the school called Andrea before they called her. Lena wonders if they thought calling the alpha parent would be the thing to do first, as they are the alpha, and stereotypically are seen as the one that deals with situations like this. However, Lena decides not to think too much on it, as right now her focus has got to be on Ashley, and dealing with this situation, rather than potentially being offended herself.

"Hmmm.... Yes. Well, I'm sorry, I can't speak for my ex. In the future, you'd be better contacting me first." Lena says.

"Yes.... very well." The principal says, a bit awkwardly, clearly picking up on the fact that he's sort of just got in the middle of two ex-wives not liking one another, but still have to exist, somewhat, around each other because they had kids together, "Anyway, I just wanted to phone you to let you know that upon review of everything that happened yesterday, with your daughter, we have made the decision to suspend the 5 alphas who bullied Ashley for the next 4 weeks. We are a school that has a zero tolerance policy for the type of behaviour that Ashley had to endure, so we believe this is suitable punishment."

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