Chapter 102

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It is now a little while later, around half an hour, and after ending her call with Kara, Lena has simply been anxiously waiting for Dr Mitosimo to return to let her know that they are going to start the procedure so that they can put Andrea in a medically induced coma. Of course, the longer Lena has been waiting for this, the more anxious she has been getting about this whole situation, and the decision she has made to do this. Lena's massive worry is that she knows that there is a possibility that things go wrong and Andrea never actually wakes back up from this coma, which is the case for all people who are being put into a coma, healthy or not, and Andrea is certainly in the not healthy situation, meaning it is even more likely she will not wake. However, Lena is not worried simply because Andrea may not wake up again, in all honesty, given how Andrea is at the moment, and the pain and discomfort she is clearly in, Lena thinks that Andrea, in a clear bit of mind, would actually prefer to pass away this way, after being put into a coma, rather than having to suffer through all the pain and everything, and have everyone see her, and give her sympathy as she just gets worse and worse. In fact, Lena knows that Andrea would have absolutely hated that, maybe more than dying itself. Lena's real worry is actually that if Andrea does not wake up again that means that Natalie and Ashley will not be able to speak to her again, and say some last words to her, words that they could have said to Andrea if Lena actually brought the girls her to see Andrea just before she is put into the coma. Lena is worried that if that situation does occur, then the girls really might be emotionally upset about it, about not getting a chance to say goodbye to Andrea, when they could have done. Thinking on that, it has made Lena think about reconsidering about allowing Natalie and Ashley to come here, so that they can see Andrea, but ultimately one thing that Lena thinks on is that if they delay putting Andrea into the coma, then that might mean Andrea continues to suffer and everything, and puts her at higher risk from actually not being able to physically deal with the cancer treatment, and damages her body more so, even if she does survive. Lena certainly does not want Ashley and Natalie to end up feeling guilt if Andrea does survive, but they know she has some bad long-term effects because Andrea being put into a coma was delayed just so they could speak with her, just in case. Then that would be even worse if Andrea were to die because she was not put into the coma quick enough. All of that would wrack Natlie and Ashley with guilt, even if they do not deserve to feel such guilt. So, taking all this in mind, Lena thinks that it is ultimately best just to stick with the current situation, as Andrea's health needs to come first, and at the end of the day, Lena is sure that every time Natalie and Ashley have been seeing Andrea recently, they have been saying goodbye to her, as they leave, as if it might be their last time of actually talking to her. Lena knows her girls aren't stupid, and are both preparing for the worst, just in case.

Eventually Lena is brought out of her thoughts by Dr Mitosimo opening the door to his office, and walking inside. This does slightly startle Lena, even though Dr Mitosimo didn't do anything that would normally be conducive to startling someone, like sneaking up on someone or something. Lena has just obviously been in her own head, thinking about things, that is why she was so easily startled.

"I'm sorry, Dr Luthor, I didn't mean to scare you." Dr Mitosimo quickly says, being polite as always.

"No.... It's not your fault." Lena soon says, with her heart racing a bit at the moment, "You did nothing wrong. I'm just in my own head, thinking about things, which is why you startled me."

"Okay." Dr Mitosimo says, "I have all the forms here that you need to sign, before we can put Miss Rojas into the coma. Is there anything you want to discuss with me now though, as you have had time to think about things. You look a bit troubled, if you don't mind me saying that."

Lena can't help but chuckle at Dr Mitosimo saying that.

"Well, I think it is fair to say I am a little troubled." Lena says, "But it's nothing to do with you, or anything. While you have been gone, I have just been thinking about everything in regards to Andrea, and obviously my mind has wondered and I have thought about all the worst-case scenarios, even though I trust in your abilities 100%. But I just can't help but think about what if things go wrong, you know? I'm mostly thinking about Natalie and Ashley in that regard, and how I'm essentially denying them the chance to see Andrea, one last time, before we put her into a coma, so they can speak with her, one last time, just in case they don't get the opportunity again."

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