Chapter 101

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Dr Mitosimo now opens up the door to the room which Andrea is in right now, holding the door open for Lena, being a gentleman, and being polite, which is the type of person he is. Dr Mitosimo is the type of man that would always hold a door open for all women, and not as some sort of sexist attitude towards women, but simply because he is just an extremely polite and respectful man. He would likely hold the door open for most men two, he would just not make an ordeal of quickly moving in front of the man to make sure he holds the door open for them like he just did with Lena, and does with other women.

"Thank you." Lena says, and then enters the room, with Dr Mitosimo following closely behind.

Once Lena enters the room, she sees Andrea for the first time in a few days, as while Natalie and Ashley have seen Andrea, Lena has decided to wait outside, and give the girls some alone time with their má. Plus, Lena also thought that Andrea might just feel a bit awkward with her standing there the entire time, and it's not like Lena herself actually wants to stand their either, mostly because she doesn't really care much about Andrea specifically, but also because due to the pregnancy Lena does not like standing on her feet for too long.

Now that Lena is inside the room, she sees Andrea laying on the hospital bed, hooked up to various different devices, including one monitoring her heart beat, a feeding tube, a saline solution bag, and various other things which likely are to let Andrea not have to go to the toilet by getting out of bed. Lena imagines that if Andrea were in a normal state she would absolutely hate this. She would hate being hooked up to all of these devices, but this is the situation. At the end of the day, if Andrea allowed her cancer to continue to progress, without this last ditch treatment, a similar result would likely be true too, it's just Andrea would be in a lot more pain, and have no hope, no matter how small, of actually surviving.

"Miss Rojas is in a stable state at the moment. Dr Mitchell did her last checks about 30 minutes ago." Dr Mitosimo says, "Depending on your decision though, we will need to do some more checks before anything further is done."

"Yes, okay." Lena nods.

"I will give you a moment alone with her." Dr Mitosimo says, "I will be right outside if you need me."

"Okay, thank you." Lena nods, once more.

"You can try talking with her, but I warn you, like I said earlier, she is not in an entirely normal mental state. Some of her responses may be a bit concerning or worrying to you." Dr Mitosimo says.

"Okay. Thank you for warning me." Lena says.

Dr Mitosimo now nods his head, before leaving the room, and closing the door behind him, allowing Lena to be alone with Andrea, who is still lying on the bed, and doesn't even look like she has noticed her, or noticed that anyone has entered the room.

Lena now takes a few moments just to simply look at her ex-wife, as she lays there on the bed, hooked up to all these devices, looking absolutely awful, like she is on deaths door. Deep down, Lena feels sympathetic for Andrea, as as much as Andrea has been abusive to her, and an absolute asshole towards her over these last several years, Lena did love Andrea once. There are still those memories of the good times with Andrea, even if they were all a lie and manipulation, and even though Lena knows that she and Andrea will never have a relationship like that again, not that Lena wants to. Lena has Kara now, and loves Kara far more than she ever loved Andrea, and knows Kara loves her more than Andrea ever loved her too. But still, looking at Andrea like this, it makes Lena feel very easy. It makes Lena think about just how brave Natalie and Ashley must have been these past few days, as they look at their má slowly getting worser and worse, and just seeming to deteriorate like this. No child should ever have to see one of their parents like this, especially when they are at such a young age, with Andrea being in her 40s, rather than in her 70s or 80s or something, when something like this would hit a little less, due to the age, and knowing their parent has lived a decent life.

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