Chapter 17

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It is now a few days later, and over the last few days Lena has just been wracking her mind for what she wants to do about being pregnant. A part of Lena thinks that it is absolutely insane for her to even consider to have this baby for so many reasons. Firstly, Lena knows that as soon as the world sees that she is pregnant, they will judge her for being a divorced, single, 40-year-old omega, who is having a third child. Then secondly, Lena knows that her having this baby, and just being pregnant, might upset Natalie and Ashley a lot. Lena's two daughters might feel weird about having another brother or sister who is not completely related to them. But on the other side of things, a part of Lena is considering having this baby, because she knows that it is growing inside of her, her baby, and she can't really get over that. Lena thinks that she might already love this baby, even if they are just a cluster of cells right now. However, ultimately, Lena still knows that she needs to talk to Kara before she makes any decision, as what Kara has to say about it might help Lena decide one way or the other. That said, Lena knows that whether she has this baby or not is her choice, not Kara's, hers alone. All Kara can decide to do is support her in her decision, or not.

Despite Lena making the firm decision a few days ago that she does have to tell Kara about her being pregnant, Lena hasn't even made a single attempt to get in contact with the blonde alpha. The reasons for this are that Lena worries that this news could completely turn Kara's world upside down, especially if she decides to keep the baby. Kara is still only 25-years-old after all, and really just starting her life out now. This news alone could completely ruin Kara's life going forward, if she wants to actually be involved with raising the child. Then, of course, the next reason that Lena hasn't got in contact with Kara, is because she is anxious about it. Lena's not too anxious about getting the news out that she is pregnant in of itself. Lena's anxious just about speaking to Kara after how they last ended things, with Kara running away crying. Lena doesn't want Kara to think that her calling her out of the blue is because she's changed her mind or something. However, even with these reasons that Lena has for not contacting Kara, she knows they are bullshit. Lena knows she is just using them as an excuse to put off phoning Kara and telling her this news as long as possible.

Right now, Lena is at home with Sam having taken Natalie and Ashley out for the day along with Ruby, seeing as the kids are all still on their spring break. Lena is thankful to Sam for doing this, because it gives her some time to relax, and not have to pretend that she's okay. This is because ever since Lena found out she is pregnant, and her being sick has been 'morning sickness', she has made an effort to hide it from her kids. Lena doesn't want Natalie and Ashley to be worried again, and she knows that if they do see her continuing to be sick, they will start to ask questions, and right now Lena doesn't want to tell her kids she is pregnant. Lena doesn't want to deal with that drama at the moment.

Presently, Lena is lying down on her bed, relaxing, with her phone by her side. Lena knows this is her opportune moment to actually call Kara, because she won't be overheard by her daughters, or have to rush the phone call or anything. Then on top of that, before Sam left with the kids for the day, she did make it firmly clear to Lena that she needs to take this time to call Kara. Lena knows if she doesn't at least make an attempt to do so, she will never hear the end of it from Sam.

Lena sighs.

"Here we go." Lena says, as she gathers her courage and picks up her phone.

Lena then proceeds to scroll through her contacts, and find Kara's, before selecting it and calling it. However, once Lena begins the call, all the phone does is ring, and ring, and ring, until it eventually gets to Kara's voicemail. Lena knows that she certainly doesn't want to give Kara this news over voicemail, so she just decides to leave Kara a message to ask her to call her back.

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