Chapter 59

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After seeing Andrea's awful text, Lena just internalises those feelings she feels for Andrea right now, and just heads into the kitchen to get Kara and Ashley a glass of water each. Lena then fills the glasses up, before heading back upstairs to Ashley's bedroom. Lena has absolutely no intention of telling Natalie or Ashley the text that Andrea just sent, so she knows she has to school her face right now, and not show her true emotions. Although, Lena doesn't think Ashley is in any state to actually see her emotions anyway, she's too busy snuggled into Kara.

As Lena walks back into Ashley's bedroom, she does, once more, see the sight of Ashley and Kara snuggled together, now laying down on the bed, but not with the covers over them. However, now they have both changed into their pyjamas, with Kara wearing the pyjamas Lena brought for her earlier. Admittedly, Lena does kind of like the idea of her alpha wearing her pyjamas. A part of Lena hopes that maybe Kara's scent will get soaked into them and then she can wear them more often afterwards, even if they are not really the style of pyjamas she usually wears. However, Lena quickly dismisses those thoughts from her head. Right now Lena knows she needs to focus on Ashley, and not get caught up in any of her omega lust for Kara.

"Hey, you two." Lena smiles, as she approaches the bed, "How are you both doing?"

"Yes, we are okay." Kara smiles, as she has an arm wrapped around Ashley, who is partly laying on Kara's chest, with her nose basically pressed onto Kara's chest itself.

"That's good." Lena smiles, as she places the two glasses of water down on the bedside table, "Ashley, are you feeling a bit better?"

"Yeah.... I'm tired." Ashley mumbles.

"Okay." Lena smiles, "You can go to sleep now, darling."

Lena now walks over to Ashley's side of the bed and places a kiss on the 14-year-old's cheek. Lena then does the same by walking over to Kara's side of the bed and taking her in for a brief kiss too.

"Goodnight, both of you." Lena says, once she ends her kiss with Kara, "If either of you need anything in the night, or something happens, please wake me up."

"Okay. We will." Kara nods, "But don't worry, Lee. Ashley is going to be fine with me."

"I know she will." Lena smiles.

Lena now walks out of the bedroom, turning off the lights as she does, and closing the door behind her. What Lena just said to Kara is completely true. Lena knows that Ashley will be in amazing hands with Kara, and much better hands than if she were to go through this even with a willing Andrea. In many ways Lena thinks that Kara could be a better parent to her girls than Andrea has ever been. However, Lena knows not to get carried away with thoughts like that, she and Kara are nowhere near something like that, and mentioning that type of thing to the alpha you are dating, after only a month of dating, is more than likely to scare them off, even if Kara is a different type of alpha.

Lena now walks from Ashley's room, to Natalie's bedroom, where she sees her 12-year-old daughter is snuggled under her covers, but still with her bedside light on.

"Hey, darling. Are you still awake?" Lena asks.

"Yeah." Natalie mumbles, in a tired voice.

"Okay." Lena smiles, and then takes a seat on the side of the bed next f Natalie, and begins stroking her top of her head affectionately.

"Is Ashley okay?" Natalie asks, having found out about Ashley being in pain when Lena came into her room earlier to ask her if she's feeling any pain.

"She's doing much better now." Lena says, "Kara figured out that Ashley was feeling in pain because she's presenting as an omega."

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