Chapter 77

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For the last few minutes, Kara has just awkwardly been standing outside the entrance to the public bathrooms at this mall, waiting for Lena to return. While Kara has been waiting, she has been feeling both a bit awkward, while also a bit excited about what Lena is doing in the bathroom right now. Kara isn't sure which emotion is winning out over the other one, she is equally excited and feeling awkward, it's rather strange. Soon though, Kara's mix of emotions come to an end when she sees Lena coming out of the bathrooms, and immediately the only emotion Kara feels is love for Lena. Kara truly loves Lena so much, and even though Kara knows she and Lena are about to do something a bit sexually naughty and exciting, as Kara looks at Lena, she just feels the feeling of love filling her up, and nothing else.

"Here we go, darling." Lena says, with a smirk, and then hands Kara the remote to the vibrator.

Kara's eyes widen at Lena doing this, as she realises that this is really happening, they are really about to do this.

"I uhhh..... thank you...." Kara says, a bit awkwardly.

"Of course, darling." Lena smirks, "Why don't you give it a try?"

"Uhhh.... okay...." Kara says.

Kara then looks down at the device, figuring it out, and seeing that it has multiple speed settings on it. After looking at it for a few moments, Kara just turns the device onto the lowest speed setting, and then quickly looks at Lena to see her reaction. Lena, for her part, just grows a rather unimpressed look on her face.

"Is something wrong?" Kara asks, awkwardly again.

"I can barely feel it, darling. Turn it up more than that." Lena soon says.

"Oh.... okay." Kara says.

Kara then turns it up to the second lowest mode.

"Hmm.... I can feel that a bit more, but still, not much." Lena replies.

"Okay.... let me just.... oh shoot." Kara says, and in this moment accidently puts the device to the highest setting.

As soon as Kara does this, Lena's eyes widen, and she instinctively brings both her hands to her crotch, and bites her lip, stopping herself from letting out a loud moan.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Kara says, noticing Lena's reaction, and quickly turns the vibrator off.

It takes Lena a few seconds to recover from what the vibrator just did to her on the highest setting, with the brunette tilting her head back, and closing her eyes, focusing on her breathing. Soon though, Lena does recover, and looks at Kara.

"Okay..... well.... the device certainly works." Lena soon says, "Just.... don't put it on that highest setting for long. I almost came right then, even though it was only on for a couple of seconds."

"Oh...... Rao.... Okay." Kara says, in a surprised voice, "Are.... are you sure you still want to do this?"

"Yes, darling." Lena smirks, "Let's go shopping."

"Okay." Kara nods.

Lena and Kara now head further into the mall, and they start to shop for a few different clothing items. Lena does find this kind of fun, because she likes the idea of getting to dress Kara, and Kara choosing some outfits which she thinks looks good on her too. While the couple does all this, at various times, Kara does activate the vibrator that Lena is wearing, with there being several moments of Lena biting her lips, and crossing her legs, just to try and stop herself from moaning out in the store. At first when Kara does this, she does it with encouragement from Lena, but after a little while, as Kara smells more of Lena's pheromones, the blonde gets much more into it, and begins activating the vibrator on her own accord, ending up very much enjoying toying with Lena, and making her horny, while not allowing her to cum.

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