Chapter 90

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"What do you need to talk about now? Haven't we talked enough?" Andrea asks, with a sigh as she remains laying there in her hospital bed.

"No. We are far from done talking." Lena says, "As we need to talk about how you are going to break the news to the girls, as they are going to be very upset by it, despite how horrid you have been to them recently. So you need to be careful."

Andrea sighs.

"This is why I didn't want to tell them." Andrea mutters.

"Yes, and if you didn't tell them you'd have died without them knowing about your cancer, leaving me to clean up your mess. I'm not having that Andrea." Lena says.

"Fine. Fine." Andrea mutters.

"Good. Then another thing I want to discuss, is why didn't you do any chemo treatment? You could have saved yourself for heavens sake!" Lena says, in a disapproving voice.

"You know why." Andrea says, "I couldn't do chemo, or radiation therapy or anything else because I can't afford to look weak. You know how the world of business is. It's cutthroat. It would ruin me if the people I do business with saw me as this weak woman with cancer."

Lena scoffs at that.

"And dying won't ruin you?" Lena asks, sarcastically.

"I won't be here to see that." Andrea mutters.

"Well that's just stupid. You are killing yourself for vanity!" Lena says.

"Yeah.... well.... It's done now. I'm dead anyway." Andrea says.

Lena now looks at Andrea with a thoughtful look on her face.

"There's...... an experimental L-Corp cancer trial going on at the moment. I could have you join that....." Lena says.

Andrea now turns and looks at Lena with a surprised look on her face.

"Why would you offer to help me?" Andrea asks, "Yes, I know you've said if I die you have to deal with the consequences of it, for Natalie and Ashley. But ultimately, in the long run, me dying, and being out of the picture, would be better for you."

"It would." Lena nods, "I didn't deny it. But I'm offering you this, not because I care particularly about you. I'm doing it for entirely selfish reasons. If I didn't at least offer you this, something that could save you, no matter how much I hate you, I would feel guilty. I would feel guilty every time I look at our girls. So, I'm offering you it. The choice is yours. But, just so we are clear, this cancer trial is VERY experimental. It has seen some results in rats, but we are now moving to human trials. Essentially L-Corp has developed these specialised drugs for people with terminal cancer with the home that these drugs destroy the cancer from inside your body, and then get it back to a manageable stage with chemo or radiation therapy. So, if you do this, you'd have to actually do chemo this time. There's no point doing this if you won't. But, I don't want you to think this is positive to cure you. I don't know. I have kept away from these trials. I just know they've shown some promising results. However, there are side effects. The drug itself might also do damage to you. In some of the rats their cancers were reduced, but they developed some issues, mentally or physically. So there's potential there could be damage to your body. And it will make you ill, like chemo will."

"You are not really selling this time me." Andrea says, dryly.

"I'm not trying to sell it to you. I'm trying to give you all the details so you can make an informed decision without me lying to you, or sugar coating anything." Lena explains.

Andrea nods her head, understanding what Lena is getting at.

"These mental side effects.... it's not going to turn me into a potato is it? If that's the case, I'd honestly rather die than be some drooling mess." Andrea says.

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