Chapter 76

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Eliza, Ashley and Natalie have all just arrived at a shopping centre in National City, with Eliza's plan being that she intends to completely spoil Natalie and Ashley, her new granddaughters, buy them some new outfits and also any other things that the girls want. Eliza really hasn't had anything like this for several years, children who she can make happy by going shopping and buying things. Of course, Eliza has always dreamed about become a grandma one day, but seeing as Alex and Kara are both still only 25, she didn't expect it to happen just yet. Although, Eliza does find it amusing that she is going to get two more grandchildren, one from Kara getting Lena pregnant, and one from Alex getting Sam pregnant. Eliza hasn't met Sam yet, but she hopes before she returns home to Midvale tomorrow afternoon, she will get a chance a to meet the omega that Alex got pregnant. However, right now, Eliza's attention is entirely focused on Ashley and Natalie, her two new granddaughters that she has currently. The way Eliza is thinking of things is that whatever she buys the girls today, spoiling them a bit, can essentially make up for the 14 and 12 years of birthdays and Christmases' that she has missed out on. After all, it's not really like she has anyone else to spend her money on anymore anyway. Eliza still earns a decent salary, and as she owns her house in Midvale, with no mortgage, and all the amenities and taxes being rather cheap, Eliza has a lot of money just sitting there doing nothing. Of course Eliza does know that Ashley and Natalie do have billionaire parents, so it's not like they would want for anything. That said, from what Eliza has seen, it's clear Lena doesn't spoil her girls rotten like some rich parents do. Either way, being spoiled by a grandparent is different to be spoiled by a parent.

"Where should we go first grandma?" Natalie asks Eliza, with so much light, and joy, in her eyes.

"We can go wherever you two girls want to go. It's entirely up to you?" Eliza says, with a smile.

"Can we go into Old Navy? Then Hollister? As they are right here." Ashley asks.

Eliza now looks at the two stores, and more specifically looks at Hollister.

"Yes, we can start off with those two stores. However, I'm happy to buy you girls anything you want, but I don't want you buying anything inappropriate like too short a dress or skirt, or some sort of revealing outfit. I know teenage girls tend to want to buy things like that, to show off some skin, just like I did when I was your age, but I don't think your mom would be too happy with me buying you things like that. And I don't really want to buy you clothes that have people ogling at you." Eliza says.

"Yes, okay. I'm okay with that." Ashley nods.

"Me too! I don't want to buy clothes that have people stare at me!" Natalie says, innocently, clearly the 12-year-old being a bit too young to really be at that point of her youth yet.

"Alright then. Let's start shopping." Eliza smiles.

The trio then begin their shopping trip, with them going into several different clothes stores, and all trying on different outfits together, in the changing rooms, getting each other's opinions. They do buy some nice clothes, which they intend to wear for their dinner tonight, when they are going to be dressing up all nice, but Eliza also buys the girls, and herself, a few other clothes as well. On top of that Eliza buys the girls a few other things, including some make up and perfume that Ashley wanted, a few movies that Natalie wanted, and then just a few other toys that both the girls clearly wanted. Throughout this process, neither Ashley or Natalie acted bratty or anything. Both of them clearly didn't want to ask Eliza to get things for them by asking her. However, every time Eliza could see items that caught the girls eyes, and then proceeded to ask them if they wanted her to buy it for them. The girls then agreed, still being shy about asking, but thanked Eliza each time. By the end of their shopping trip, Ashley and Natalie had grown in confidence a bit and were each more comfortable asking Eliza to get her things.

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