Chapter 69

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Lena has now just arrived at Ashley and Natalie's school, with one of her lawyers sitting in his own car, waiting for Lena to message him, to let him know they can go inside together, and start their discussion with the principal, over everything that happened with Ashley. Presently, Lena is both simply waiting for Ashley and Natalie to come out of their school for the day, and also waiting for Eliza to arrive, so the Danvers matriarch can pick the girls up, and drive them back to their home, and watch over the girls until the meeting with the principal finishes. Thankfully, Lena is about 10 minutes early, so she knows there is still time for Eliza to actually arrive before the bell rings, and all the kids come out of school. Lena, for her part, has already messaged both Natalie and Ashley, letting them know that Eliza is coming to town, and will be picking them up and taking them back to their place. Lena hasn't got a message back from either of her girls though. Lena hopes the reason for the lack of responses is because the girls are actually being good, and not looking at their phones while they are supposed to be in class, and not looking at their phones.

About 2 minutes later, as Lena stands there, by her car, waiting for Natalie and Ashley to come out of school, the brunette notices a familiar car pull into the parking lot. Lena recognises the car because over the last few hours, Lena has sent Eliza a few texts, letting her phone where the school is, and also giving her the address to her house, so Eliza knows where to go once she leaves with the girls. During these texts, Eliza has also told Lena the car she will be in, when she arrives at the school, so Lena knows to watch out for her. Soon, the car Lena recognises stops in a parking space, and a few moments later, Lena sees Eliza Danvers get out of the car, and come walking over to her, with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Lena dear." Eliza says.

Lena opens her mouth to speak, but she is then surprised by Eliza taking her in for a hug. This is still something Lena is getting used to. Lena is now only just used to Kara giving her hugs, and being affectionate with her openly and everything. Lena still is not used to extended family, or friends, giving her open affection. Jack and Sam may be Lena's best friends, but it's not like they are all huggers. So, it's a bit strange for Lena to have someone come up to her, and greet her by a hug, like Eliza is doing right now.

"He... hello, Eliza." Lena says, with a smile, once Eliza backs away from the hug, "Did you find the school okay?"

"Yes. Your directions were very helpful." Eliza smiles, "How are you doing with everything? I know this, with Ashley, and a few other things that have happened, which Kara has mentioned to me, are not ideal."

"Yes, that's putting it lightly." The 40-year-old huffs, "But.... I'm just trying to take it one step at a time, and try to deal with everything as it comes, even if it does suck. Having Kara helping me with everything has really been amazing."

"That's good to hear." Eliza smiles, "And what of the pup. Have you been to any more doctor's appointments?"

"No. Not yet. With everything that has been going on, I haven't had a chance to book one. I'll probably book one for the next few weeks though. Luckily, the place I go to is rather exclusive, which is just another way of saying expensive, and intended for rich people, so I should be able to get an appointment within a few days of me asking."

"That's good to hear. It's important you also take care of yourself, with everything going on, physically, as it isn't just for you, it is for your pup too." Eliza says, with a warm feeling in her voice, rather than a cynical criticising one that Lena was previously used to when she had a relationship with Lillian.

"Yes. I know." Lena nods, "I promise I'll make an appointment first thing tomorrow."

"Good." Eliza smiles, "Now, is there anything I need to know while I watch the girls for you?"

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