Chapter 98

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Over the last 10 or so minutes, Kara and Lena have just been talking with Jack about their engagement and everything, with Kara going over the details to Jack about how to proposed to Lena, including telling him about taking Ashley and Natalie to the side beforehand, to make sure they are okay with everything. Jack, for his part, has been his normal ridiculous self in regards to hearing all about Kara and Lena's engagement, with Jack even making comments, asking about any plans for a wedding or anything. Of course though, Jack's comments about the wedding haven't been purely Lena's male best friend thinking about the couple, and their future wedding, but about his own self-interests too, because he has specifically told them that one of the best events to actually hook up with someone, is a wedding. Both Kara and Lena rolled their eyes as soon as Jack said this to them.

After a little while, Natalie and Ashley both came back down the stairs and greeted Jack, with the British man asking the girls if they were excited about Kara and Lena getting married, and they both told him that they are, which was another nice site to see for Kara and Lena. The girls even went into details, with Jack, about how they want to be involved in Kara and Lena's wedding, and want to help their mom pick out an engagement ring for Kara, and also help design a bracelet for Kara to wear too. Jack, for his part, has simply went along with the girls, and just encouraged their excitement. Jack may be absolutely ridiculous at times, and a bit of a narcissist, but he is all too aware of how much of a big deal it is that Natalie and Ashley are okay with Kara and Lena getting married, so he certainly isn't going to do anything to belittle that or anything.

Eventually, once these 10 or so minutes with Jack pass by, Kara and Lena hear their doorbell ring this time, announcing to them that the rest of their guests have arrived for Lena's birthday party/their engagement celebrations. Of course, both Kara and Lena know that the only people that actually know about their engagement are Sam, Alex, and Ruby. They two know that Ruby now knows, because Natalie and Ashley have informed them that they texted Ruby to let her know. Admittedly, Kara and Lena were a bit put off by this, as they wanted to be the ones to tell everyone, but the two are just happy that the girls are so excited that they wanted to tell other people. Kara and Lena just hope that Ruby, Sam and Alex haven't told Eliza or Kelly about the engagement, so at least they'll get to tell the two of them about it.

Kara and Lena both make their way to their front door, and soon open it, revealing Alex, Sam, Ruby, Kelly and Eliza, all of whom have smiles on their faces. However, it's pretty obvious that Sam, Alex and Ruby have smiles on their faces for a different reason than Eliza and Kelly, as the latter two also have a bit of a confused look on their face because they know that there is something else going on here that Alex and Sam haven't told them about.

"Come in, Come in." Lena smiles, widely.

"Happy birthday, Lena." Sam says, and takes Lena in for a hug, before starting to whisper something in Lena's ear "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." Lena smiles back, as she and Sam part from their hug.

After this, Lena and Kara greet Kelly, Alex, Sam, Eliza and Ruby, hugging them or just saying hello, depending on the relationship each of them have with the other, as Kelly and Lena are obviously not super close, so they didn't hug each other in greeting, while the same is true for Kara and Sam, and Kara and Ruby. However, Lena and Kara both know that with time, now that they will both be each other's family, it is likely they will end up hugging those people, as they will grow closer to them, through this upcoming marriage.

"So, is someone going to tell us what this other news is that Eliza and I are not aware of, beyond it just being your birthday, Lena?" Kelly asks, once they are all done greeting each other.

Kara and Lena now glance at one another, shooting each other smiles, with Kara nodding her head at her fiancé, letting her know she can be the one to tell Eliza and Kelly. So, as a result of this, Lena simply turns back to Kelly and Eliza, and then raises her hand, revealing the engagement ring on it, along with the bracelet. Obviously the engagement ring is more so what commonly signifies that someone is engaged rather than the bracelet, but the bracelet is on the same hand as the ring, so of course Lena is showing both of them.

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