Chapter 40

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Kara, Lena, Ashley and Natalie have now left the park, after walking back down once they took in the amazing view. Now, the group are right in the centre of Midvale, and heading to the diner which Kara wants to take Lena, Ashley and Natalie to. This means that currently the foursome are walking along the street, heading for the diner, having parked their car a few blocks away, walking past a few little shops on both sides of the road.

"Kara, what food does this diner have?" Natalie asks.

"Oh, all sorts of stuff. All the typical food you would find in a normal diner, like the one we stopped in on our drive up to Midvale. But I've always found that the food this diner serves, is literally the most delicious diner food ever." Kara says, with a smile.

"I guess the three of us will have to be the judge of that." Lena says, with a smile.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "But I'm confident you are going to love it. Plus, this diner serves the most delicious potstickers in the world! I would literally buy a dozen of them almost every day after school, and take them home with me. Although by the time I got home, I'd managed to eat them all."

Lena chuckles at Kara saying that.

"And I bet you didn't share any of them with Alex?" Lena asks, with a smile on her face.

"Pfft, why would I?" Kara scoffs, "They were my potstickers."

Lena chuckles again at Kara saying that, while both Ashley and Natalie grow smiles on their faces.

Eventually, after a couple more minutes of walking, Kara, Lena, Ashley and Natalie arrive in front of a diner named Al's diner.

"Here we are." Kara smiles, "Let's go in guys."

The group all walk into the diner, which looks very much like how you expect a diner to look. They then make their way to one of the booths near the front of the diner, so they can see out onto the street. Kara sits at the end on one side of the booth, next to Lena, while Natalie and Ashley face them.

"Hmmmm..... I can already smell some food that's being cooked right now that I'm pregnancy craving." Lena comments.

Kara chuckles.

"Well, we'll make sure to get you that then." Kara smiles.

The group just look around the diner for a few moments, before they are finally approached by a waiter for the diner.

"Kara!" The diner worker says.

"Hey Al." Kara smiles.

Kara then stands up, and takes the large man in for a hug.

"I didn't know you were in town." Al says.

"Yeah, I'm only here for the weekend to see Eliza with Alex." Kara explains.

"Ah, I get you." Al nods, "But who do we have here? As I see these people you are with are certainly not Alex."

"No." Kara says, with a chuckle, as she turns to look at Lena, Ashley and Natalie, "This is.... my friend Lena, and her daughters Natalie and Ashley."

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all." Al says with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too." Lena smiles, politely.

"Well, I hope all enjoy the food we have for you today." Al says with a smile, as he hands a menu to everyone, with Kara taking her seat again next to Lena.

"Mhmmm I'm sure we will." Lena says, "In fact, I already smell something delicious being cooked right now. May I ask what that is?"

"Of course." Al smiles, "I believe what you are smelling is some brisket that we are cooking."

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