Chapter 70

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Kara and Lena are now returning downstairs, to the kitchen, and as they do, they see that Natalie and Ashley are both happily working with Eliza to make dinner together. As the trio do this, Kara does spot little tender moments from Eliza, where she is affectionate to the two girls. It is just little things, like Eliza placing a caring hand on one of their shoulders, to show affection, or the Danvers matriarch rubbing up and down alongside one of the girls' arms, and a few other things too. It is all just a sign of the amount of love that Eliza now has for these two girls, even though they are not related to her, with them both basically being teenagers. It's not like the two girls are young children, who Eliza can more easily step into their lives and be more affectionate and caring with, as she's be able to bond with them on a different level, as there are just moments that grandparents have with younger children, which they can't have with kids as they get older. However, Eliza seems to have had absolutely no problem bonding with both Ashley and Natalie, which Kara doesn't really find surprising. After all, Eliza did an amazing job bonding with Kara when she was only 13-years-old, after her family all died, and she moved to Midvale to live with the Danvers. It is just really nice to see it again with Natalie and Ashley, and truly shows that even though Eliza hasn't said as much, Ashley and Natalie are basically her grandchildren now, even though Kara and Lena are not married or anything.

"Well, it looks like they have got everything handled in here." Lena says, with a happy smirk on her face.

"Yeah." Kara agrees, with a nod of her head, "Perhaps we should just leave them to it, and not get in the way of..... this moment?"

"I agree." Lena nods.

Lena then takes Kara's hand, and leads the blonde into the living room, where they soon sit down on one of Lena's couches, next to each other, sitting rather close, and basically cuddling.

"I'm really glad you are here this evening." Lena soon says, after a few moments, "And.... I'm really happy about everything you have done for me.... and the girls recently. It's really not something I expected of you..... when we started this....."

"I know." Kara says, with her own smile, "But.... I uhmmm.... can I admit something? It's.... I don't know.... it's a bit awkward.... And.... I don't want you to take it the wrong way.... or be scared off by me saying it..... but..... I feel I should tell you.... basically.... Well.... it's just where I'm at.... And where my alpha is at."

"Oh...." Lena says, in an unsure voice, "You make it sound like something bad."

"No. It's not." Kara quickly says, "Well, at least, I don't think it's something bad, but you might have a different opinion."

"Tell me then, darling." Lena says, with a caring look on her face.

"It's just well..... with everything that happened with Ashley recently..... both with us growing closer over the whole experience of Ashley becoming an omega, and now having a similar scent to mine..... and also with the horrible stuff that happened to Ashley lately.... I..... I internally surprised myself because.... both my alpha.... and my own thoughts..... considered Ashley my pup. I...... I uhmm... I thought about how dare someone touch my pup.... and I got all angry..... Then..... over the last day and a bit.... as I have been thinking about the girls.... I've began to think of Natalie as my pup too." Kara admits, "It's..... it's not something I'm doing on purpose.... It's just.... they are thoughts that surprised me when I had them..... and..... I don't expect anything from it.... If it weirds you out or anything I can...."

Kara is soon interrupted, and unable to finish her sentence, by Lena basically jumping into her lap, and taking her in for a searing kiss, very much surprising Kara, but not being unwelcome whatsoever. Lena continues to kiss Kara like this for the next few moments, getting more and more into the kiss, and even grinding into Kara's lap a little bit. As this happens, Kara can literally smell Lena's pheromones, and she is about to go crazy.

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