Chapter 2

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It is now the following week for Lena, with the brunette being pretty upset as she heads into work on Monday morning, not only because she now has to wait 5 days to see her kids again, but because this past weekend Natalie and Ashley hardly spoke to her at all. Lena tries to be supportive, and pretend, in front of her kids, that their actions aren't hurting her, but they really are. There are times when Lena simply shuts herself in her bedroom and cries into her pillows, making sure Ashley and Natalie can't hear her. In fact, Lena even has some darker thoughts where she thinks that maybe she should have just stuck with Andrea, living in an unhappy marriage, where she was essentially humiliated with Andrea claiming another omega.

"Good morning, Miss Luthor. How was your weekend?" Jess asks Lena, with a smile.

"It was okay, Jess." Lena replies, in a sombre voice, as she walks towards her office.

Jess now grows a sympathetic look on her face, knowing full well all about Lena's difficult situation with her kids.

"Well.... I thought I'd let you know that I've arranged your schedule already for today. You have 3 meetings. The first one is at 10AM with Miss Arias in your office. The second is at 1PM with the science team, and the third is at 4PM with HR." Jess explains.

"Yes. Okay. Thank you, Jess." Lena says, with a forced smile.

Lena then walks into her office, and a big part of her is dreading her meeting with Sam. The reason for this is because Lena's meetings with Sam are never really actual meetings. The two best friends spend about 15 minutes of their one-hour meetings going over all their business stuff, and then the other 45 minutes chatting to one another, and today Lena just knows Sam is going to ask all about her weekend with Ashley and Natalie.

For the next few hours Lena occupies herself with all the countless amounts of work she has to do as CEO. Admittedly, Lena does know that a large amount of her work she could just pass onto other people, specifically some heads of department, but Lena is a bit of a perfectionist. It's not to say that Lena doesn't trust the people she has hired to do their jobs, it's just she would much rather do things herself, and know that it was done right, instead of allowing other people to do the work and ease her load. In fact, the only person that Lena really trusts to actually do all the work related to their department is Sam. Although a big part of that might be because Sam constantly yells at her as to how much work she does, and was very firm that she wouldn't be letting Lena take over any of the work for the finance department.

Eventually time goes by and 10AM arrives, with Sam entering Lena's office with a smile on her face, right on time as usual.

"Someone looks like she's in a good mood." Lena comments, with a smirk.

"I am." Sam nods, with a big smile.

"Care to tell me why?" Lena asks.

"Let's just say I had a lot of fun with Jack yesterday." Sam smirks.

Lena literally groans at Sam saying that for multiple reasons. This isn't because Lena is thinking that Sam and Jack had sex or anything, they obviously didn't. Lena is groaning because she is really starting to regret buying out Jack's company Sphere Industries, and merging it into L-Corp. That's not to say that buying Sphere Industries was a mistake or anything, in fact it has already been a very profitable one for L-Corp. The problem has simply been that with Lena buying out Sphere Industries, Jack has now joined L-Corp as an employee, working on a bunch of different things in the L-Corp science division, and this has then allowed Jack and Sam to meet for the first time. Lena knew Jack and Sam meeting was going to be trouble the first time she realised that it would be a possibility.

Prior to Lena buying out Sphere Industries Jack and Sam had actually never met before, and that was by no coincidence. Lena met Jack while she was studying at university about a year after she met Sam, but unlike Sam, Jack remained Lena's friend all throughout her failed marriage to Andrea, even if they did live on opposite sides of the country for the last decade. Jack did this despite him very much agreeing with Sam's assessment of Andrea, as he just knew that Lena would need a friend, as Andrea wanted to isolate her, to take more advantage of her. But anyway, throughout Lena's time at university she never actually introduced Sam to Jack, because she knew that the two of them would get on like a house on fire and cause a lot of trouble, specifically trouble for her. At the time, in the middle of her studies, even as she was obsessing over Andrea, Lena didn't want to deal with that. However, as soon as Jack joined L-Corp, Lena couldn't stop Sam and Jack meeting, and then the chaos starting.

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