Chapter 66

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Word count: 1028

We all huddled together under a rock as we watched the storm and bats thunder above us. I didn't realize I was shaking uncontrollably until Steve grabbed my hand.

The bats went right past us and it was a little quieter when they did.

"Okay...that was close." Robin said as we all stepped out.

"Oh, Jesus.." Steve mumbled behind me. I turned to see him stumble into the wall. I rushed forward and looked at his wounds.

"I'm fine.." he said slowly.

"No, you're losing a lot of blood. Sit." He did as told and now, in the light, I could see how bad the cuts were.

Robin came up beside us and began rambling about rabies again as I ripped off a chunk of my tank top to wrap around Steve.

"You ready?" I asked, looking at him.

"Just do it." He groaned. Gently, I began wrapping the shirt around his wound and fastening it to the side and securing it.

Steve groaned every once in a while which made my heart utterly break. I helped him up and placed his arm around my shoulders.

"So, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asked, standing on a rock to look at everything.

"Pretty much." Nancy sighed.

"Wait, watch out for the vines. It's all a hive mind." I said quickly as he began to step down.

"All the creepy crawlies around here. Their, like, one big thing. So, you're stepping on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna." Steve reiterated.


"But everything from our world still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked, looking at me.

"I haven't been physically here since I was sixteen. I think everything is the same as it was back then." I shrugged.

"So, theoretically, we can go to the Police Station steal some gun, grenades, and whatever we need to blow those bat things that are guarding the gate."

"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah sure." Steve said.

"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I've guns in my bedroom." Nancy said.

"Me too." I nodded.

"You, Marley Hopper, head cheerleader, have guns in your room?" Eddie asked.

"Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin chuckled nervously.

"I think you underestimate what we've been through. Getting possessed twice was enough for me to get locked and loaded." I admitted.

"I have a A Russian Makarova and a revolver." Nancy said.

"Yeah, we can split up, Steve and I will go to our house and you guys can go to yours, we'll meet up at the Wheeler house?" I suggested. Nancy nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." Steve said. Suddenly, a jacket was thrown at him and we turned to Eddie.

"For your modesty, dude." He replied.

"And I'm going with Marley, if half of what Dustin said about her is true, she's the winning side. No offense." He added, turning to Nancy and Robin.

"None-" The floor beneath our feet began to shake violently. Steve grabbed me and held me tightly against his chest as we leaned against the rock.

When the rumbling stopped, we heard a creature screaming in the distance.

"Yeah, so, guns seem like a pretty good idea to me." Eddie said.

We split up and began making our destinations to the established houses.

I walked with Steve as Eddie walked a little ahead.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly.

"Better, you? I know it must be hard being back.." Steve said slowly. I only shrugged slightly.

"I don't know. I feel somewhat better knowing what I do." I said with a knowing smile.

Steve looked at me in confusion.

"Is your memory coming back?" He asked, hopefully. I shook my head and ruffled in my back pocket before pulling out the black box.

Steve's face went white as he stared at it.

"That's..oh, Um, that's.."

"An engagement ring, Steve. It's okay." I chuckled. Steve looked up at me and frowned.

"I wanted to do it properly.." He said softly. I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"You know there will never be a good time. Someone's always going to try and kill us." I chuckled.

Steve looked between my eyes before grabbing the box from my hand. He tried to leaned down but stopped and groaned.

"Steve, just stand." I chuckled. He nodded with his own chuckle and opened the box, revealing the ring.

"Marley. I know we're young and I know we haven't been together for that long but, considering everything that we've been through and how many times we've almost lost each other I don't think that there's ever going to be a good time for me to do this. If we're gonna die I just want to know that you love me just as much as I love you." He said.

The tears welled in my eyes as I stared back at him.

"Marilyn Rose Hopper, will you marry me?" I let out a half cry half laugh as I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I suppose." I teased. Steve smiled and placed the ring on my finger before shoving his lips on mine.

"Hey, I hate to interrupt but do you think you can tell me where I'm going so I can lead?" Eddie called. We pulled away and nodded before walking off again.

I've been waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever. I've been in love with Steve Harrington since I got here and I know he's loved me for just as long.

Then, my stomach dropped.

I just agreed to marry a man that I knew I wouldn't have the chance to. I could leave or die at any moment and he wasted years of his life on me.

Okay, y'all! We're getting to the end! I'm so excited, I have so many theories for part two and the days are going by so slow! But, I'm going to binge watch part two when it comes out and finish the story, i promise.

I may even have some ideas for another one. You never know 👀

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