Chapter 27

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Word Count: 1184

"Are we close?" Joyce asked impatiently.

"We're in the vicinity." Bob replied. I took deep breathes and started to feel panic. Mike and Will both grabbed my hands from either side of me.

I didn't even have to close my eyes now to know.

"Turn right. It was in my now memories!" I said quickly.

"You're what?" Bob questioned. But no one could reply before she jerked right and ran into a sign. I held the boys heads to my chest to protect them from impact.

"Are you guys okay?" Joyce asked as we stopped.

"Yes! Go, I'll keep the boys here." I assured. She gave me a nod before her and Bob rushed out of the car. I turned to Mike and gave him a look.

"When I give you the signal, I need you to take Will back into the car." I whispered. Mike examined my face with worry before he nodded.

Mike got out of the car. Before I could follow him, Will grabbed my wrist.

"Marley, I just..I wanted to thank you for saving me. I never had the chance to. I don't know what you're going through, or what you're feeling but.." I grabbed Will's face.

"Will, I promised you that I would keep you safe no matter what, didn't I? And no matter what I'm going to do exactly that." Will nodded and finally followed me out of the car.

We slowly approached the hole.

"Did you see anything in your now memories?" Mike asked.

"No.." I said softly. The sound of cars were heard behind us and I pushed the boys behind me protectively.

The men stepped out of the car and I knew exactly who they were.

One in particular came up to me. The flashes of images from when a man in a suit put me into the upside down made me freeze.

He jumped down into the hole and I turned to Will.

"I love you Will, more then anything. No matter what happens I want you to know that I think of you as my little brother." He looked at me in confusion and I turned to Mike.

"Now." I mouthed. Mike nodded and grabbed Will before dragging him into the car.

"Stay still, Miss. We don't want you getting hurt." A man in a suit said. I simply nodded and waited.

"This is gonna hurt.." I whispered.

A harsh burn filled my stomach and I let out a cry as I fell to my knees.

"Dad!" I screamed loudly. I fell into my back and let out a blood curdling scream as I felt like my body was covered in burns.

It ripped every vein in my body and filled my chest with a type of gas that I didn't know was possible. Then, it all went black.

(Joyce's POV)

We got out of the hole and saw a group of people surrounding something. Instantly, Hopper rushed forward.

"Get away! That's my daughter!" He yelled, leaning down next to her as she seized. I covered my mouth as I gasped and stepped forward.

Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head, her mouth was wide open as she shook violently.

"Hop! We have to get her to the hospital!" I yelled loudly. Hopper nodded and rushed to his truck.

"Meet me there!" I nodded and rushed to the car, the boys in the back.

"Mom, what's going on?" Will asked. I didn't reply and put the car in reverse before slamming on the gas, sending us back.

"We're meeting Hopper at the hospital." I said quickly, going well over the speed limit. However, the only person who would pull me over was going faster then I was to get his daughter help.

I tried to keep my head clear as we zoomed down the road but all I could think about was Marley. Her and Hopper's relationship has always inspired me.

They became close faster then anyone and I've seen Hopper willing to die for the young girl that he only met a year ago.

Through all of this he's been strong. I haven't seen him cry or panic once. He's been desperate for a plan, and hasn't been home in days. I don't think he's even slept.

I couldn't even imagine what I would do if that was Will. But, thanks to Marley, it isn't. She's always done everything she can to put Will first. Even before she met him, she went into the upside down blindly, and fought off a demogorgan to save him.

I couldn't think of another way to compare Marley then as my daughter.

But then it hit me.

Steve doesn't even know.

We approached the hospital minutes later and we all rushed out as Hopper carried Marley.

"I need a doctor!" He yelled, carrying her. I could hear her sobs as she moved around in his arms. Seconds later, someone pulled out a gurney and placed her on. Hopper tried to follow her but people from the lab grabbed him.

"What are you doing!? I need to be with my daughter!" He yelled, fighting them off. I lept forward and grabbed Marleys hand.

"I got her, Hop. It's okay." I said quickly. Hopper hesitated for a moment, nodding at me and then letting the men take him off.

I ran with the bed as they rushed through the halls. Marley was still screaming wildly as she jerked back and forth, trying to ease the pain.

"It's okay, I'm here." I cried, watching her be in so much pain made my heart shatter, even more so when I knew I couldn't help her.

"I'm Right here. Just hold on." I said again, they brought her into a room and began sticking her with the medical equipment.

"Vitals?" A nurse asked.

"Heart rate 220. Temperature is 106." Another replied. I gasped and placed my hand on my mouth. Bob pulled me into him as I sobbed.

"Marley, where does it hurt?" a nurse asked.

"All over." She cried.

"She says she feels like she's burning. Check for burns." The doctor said. They cut open her shirt and revealed her empty torso. No burns.

"I'll take the boys." Bob said. I turned and saw Will and Mike staring at her in horror before bob pulled them out.

"I don't see anything. Where does it hurt the most, Marley?" The same nursed asked.

"Everywhere!" Marley screamed, sitting up quickly before sitting back down.

"Everywhere!" She cried again. They injected her with some type of liquid. I rushed to the non crowded side and held her hand.

She started to get quiet before the screaming stopped. She slowly turned her head over to me and looked at my sobbing face.

Marley wanted to say something but slowly started to close her eyes. I let out another choked sob before placing my head on hers.

"She said she was dying.." I heard someone whisper beside me. I had only now realized it was bob. But he refused to look at Marley.

"I didn't believe her."

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum