Chapter 61

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Word Count: 993

I heard my foot squishing against something and look down to see a small flood of black goo beneath my feet.

As I looked up, I saw bits and pieces of a building floating in the air, along with spikes that stuck out from the ground.

"What. The. Hell." I said, looking around. If I wasn't in danger, I would think this was pretty cool.

It was quiet aside from the occasional clap of thunder.

A clock chimed above me and I looked hi to see it floating in the air. Pieces of what seem to be a house surrounded me. A rose door hovered above my head.

"What are you doing in here, Marley?" The voice questioned softly.

I looked around for what had been talking, but saw that I was alone.

I stepped on something squishy and hesitantly looked down to see spider egg sacs under my feet.

When I lifted my foot, spiders ripped past. I let out a cry of disgust and stepped away quickly. When I did, I hit something hard.

"That always good." I mumbled, slowly turning.

Chrissy was lodged inside a tree. Much like Hopper described I was in the first time in the upside down.

I let out a scream and took another step back, covering my mouth. Then I turned again and saw Fred in the same position.

"How do you like them, Marley? Would you like to join them?" I didn't even bother looking at the monster as it stepped towards me and took off running before something grabbed my leg, causing me to fall down.

"Shit!" I said as the vine tightened around my leg.

I let out a scream as it started to pull me back.

Another one grabbed my neck and force me up against the tree just like the other people.

One by one my arms were grabbed by the vines and pulled to be secured against the street. The snake like object only tightened on my neck.

The monster came closer to me, directly looking in my eyes.

I know who those eyes belong to.

Suddenly, "My Girl." by The Temptations started playing. A song that I had taken a liking to over the past six months.

I moved my eyes over the monsters shoulder and saw a piece of the fog starting to fade, inside I heard my friends calling my name and surrounding me.

"They can't help you, Marley. There's a reason to hide from them. You... Belong here, with me." The monster smiled, gently running its claw along my cheekbone.

"You're not really here." I gasped, nearly losing breath from how tight the vines were.

"Oh, but I am, Marley. I am."

Vecna slowly started to raise his fingers and hover them over my head.

I knew this thing.

Where did I know him from.

I looked up into his hands trying to move my face as much as I could. Through the cracks of his fingers, I could see my friends staring at me.

"I can't lose you again, Marley."

I squeezed my eyes shut and thought about all of my friends. I finally understood what people said when they said that your life flashes before your eyes before sudden death.

The first ones was when El, Hopper, and I sat at the dinner table eating eggos decked out ih candy and whipped cream.

I was laughing at hopper teasing me again.

Next was when I was laying on the hood of the car with Billy, staring at the sky as we revealed our deepest darkest secrets to eachother.

In the next was when I ran to Steve after the mind flayer had been ripped out of me the first time. That was the first time I had ever heard him tell me that he loved me.

I waited for blackness.

Then I realized that I wasn't going to just give up. I couldn't just give up. Not this time.

Quickly, I shoved my hand forward to rip a piece of the monsters neck. When he dropped me in pain, I rush towards the hole through the fog.

I looked back, but he wasn't following me. A loud boom was heard above me and saw a chunk of the ground fall beside me, making me fall into the black goo.

Soon, more started to fall, covering me in the black substance.

I was so close.

I could feel it.

All I could think about was how I couldn't do that to Steve. I couldn't leave him alone.

Not now.

Not ever.

I made a gasp as I saw the bright sky above me. My stomach dropped as I sunk towards the ground.

When I realize that I was back, I started panicking.

Steve yanked me against his chest as he held me tightly.

"I thought we lost you." He cried into my shoulder.

"I'm still here. I'm still here." I gasped, clinging to him tightly. Dustin, Lucas, and Max all had their hands on some part of my body.

Afraid that If they let go, I'd be lost again.

"I guess we figured out who he wanted." I chuckled dryly, turning to max. She tried to hold in a laugh but it didn't work, a smile broke through and she laid her head in my lap.

"I recognized him..." I said softly. I felt Steve freeze beneath me.

"What do you mean?" Dustin asked.

"I mean, I've seen him before. He didn't look human, he looked exactly like he's from the Upside Down, but, his eyes were...human." I whispered, shivering slightly at the thought.

"If you saw them again would you recognize them?" Max asked slowly.

"I think so. But, this whole thing proved something." I began.

"What we're dealing with is something totally foreign." I admitted. They all looked between each other before they gulped.

"Come on, we better regroup." Steve said, helping me up slowly.

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