Chapter 48

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Word Count: 940

(El's POV)

Mike and Max carried me out toward the parking lot quickly, trying to meet with the rest of our group. When we opened the gate, we saw Marley's car engulfed with fire, stood beside it, was Marley.

Black veins and a layer of sweat covered her body, along with a few cuts and bruises. My heart sunk as I looked into her blank eyes.

"Oh, shit!" Max cursed, causing Mike to look at her. Marley looker right at us and sent us a snarling like glare.

"Go, go, go!" Mike yelled, turning us around.

The gate.

Max let go of my other arm and ran back towards the button before hitting it, hopefully giving us time to run from her. She rushed back and grabbed My other arm before bringing us back inside.

As we went back into the mall, we sped through the back hallways behind all the store, trying to find a better place to hide me.

"In here. In here." Mike said, we roughly turned towards the elevator as Mike frantically pushed the buttons.

While he did, Max went through the door way.

"Marley." Max called. Mike and I jerked in her direction to see her looking down the hallway.

"Marley, you don't have to do this. Marley, your name is Marley, you live on in the cabin with your dad and sister. Marley, please, I'm Max, I'm your-" Marley yanked her arm back and sent Max flying into the wall with a smack.

Mike let go of me and rushed for her. Marley took him by the shoulders and shoved him into a nearby pole with ease.

When she came towards me, I held my hand up trying to stop her. But, nothing happened and she grabbed my hand, pulling it down before shoving my head against the wall behind me.

I fell to the ground with a cry in pain and heard the ringing fill my ears. I wasn't fully unconscious but my vision was blurred heavily.

I heard Marley's footsteps come back over to me and pull me up before throwing me over her shoulder easily.

This wasn't Marley, this wasn't my sister. She would never do this to me, and she never would have the strength to even if she wanted to.

But, she sacrificed herself for a reason only I seemed to know.

She loved Billy.

Marley placed me on the ground and gave me an evil grin before leaning down into my ear.

"Don't be afraid. It'll be over soon. Just try and stay... Very still." She whispered. I turned to look at her but she was looking up at something.

As I turned my head to meet what she was so focused on, she stood back up and took a step back. The shadow monster came in through the broken window and slowly inched towards me.

My blood ran cold and I sat up, trying to get away from it. I whimpered as it's long tongue came towards me.

Just as it was about to touch me, something exploded by it's face, causing it to scream and retract. More and more explosions came it it, hurting it even more.

"Now!" Someone yelled. Behind me, I heard Marley let out a scream making me jerk my head to look at her. Billy had his arms around her, pulling her away from me before they both fell to the floor.

"Let me go!" She screamed. Billy leaned forward and cranked up the heaters on either side of them that he must've placed when we were all distracted.

She roared in pain and kicked her legs against him.

I used this opportunity to crawl over to her and grip her face in between my hands. Remembering what I saw when I went into her head.

"A picture..." I said softly. Her face turned to me and she started to settle down.

"You drew her a picture of you two." I said again. Billy squeezed his eyes shut and put his cheek on her head.

"It was a picture of her as a superhero." Marley sighed and I saw her lip quiver.

"She was holding your hand in the picture and you drew a smile." I softly informed.

"Your mom was look just like her...she had long brown hair..big blue eyes...and she was wearing a white t-shirt that you colored with marker for her." Marley closed her eyes and envisioned what I described.

"You didn't kill her, Marley.." I cried gently. Marley let out a sob and leaned into Billy. A crystal fell from his neck, one I never noticed that he wore before now.

"She saw you mix the powder, Marley. She used them anyways when she knew you were gone." Marley let out a cry and grabbed my hand.

"I love you.." she whispered. I let out a sob and leaned into her touch as she grazed my cheek. Billy and I stepped back as she stood up, facing the monster.

Billy grabbed me by the waist and carried me a little ways away.

It was just Marley and the monster as they stared at each other. It opened its mouth and screamed at her.

A tentacle came right for me but Marley grabbed it. My heart pounded in my chest, I hadn't even noticed that Billy left my side.

"No!" She screamed, planting her feet against the floor. Another tentacle came out and wedged into her side.

"Marley!" I shrieked, going to step for her, but someone grabbed me from behind. I cried loudly as I watched the battle.

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