Chapter 41

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Word Count: 1112

Before I knew it, I was back at the cabin. The drive was so natural to me I didn't even know I driving.

I kept thinking of Billy as I step out of the car, but I quickly try to change my thoughts... I can't keep thinking of him all the time.

As I try to find something else to think about, I can feel myself starting to yawn.

How much sleep did I get last night?

Maybe my lack of sleep is the reasoning behind my memory loss. I've been so busy lately, sleeping has been the last thing on my mind.

Holding my purse close to my chest, I still have this feeling like I'm forgetting something. Why can't I shake this stupid feeling?

I open the door and see Hopper doing what he does best, sitting in the recliner and drinking... like always.

"You can't keep doing this" I say trying to be louder then the tv that is blasting

"Huh, sorry can't hear you" he says in a laughing tone then taking a sip of beer. I send him a death glare.

He doesn't even notice. He's too busy staring at whatever show he finds pleasing at the time.

I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge, seeing only an apple left.

I pick it up and stare at it. Should I eat this or throw it at him... out of love of course..

I walk over to him and throw the apple on his lap.

"Hey what was that for?" He grunts.

"Eat it so you'll live a little longer" I say with a grin.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be taking care of you, remember?" He said, looking up at me and holding my hand.

"Well, someone's got to be here to take care of you." I say while rolling my eyes. I walk towards my room when I hear laughter coming from El's room.

"What's going on in there" I ask Hopper.

"El has a friend over." He says with a shit-eating grin.


"Max." I hum in response and watch as Hopper gets up to go into the bathroom.

He closes the bathroom door while I open El's door.

"What now?" Max says angrily.

"Well hi to you as well." I say as I put my hands on my hips.

"Mar!" El walked over and put her hand around my waist.

"Wanna see what we've been doing?" Max says as she jumps up from the bed, grinning widely.

"Sure?" I question.

I look at the bed and see multiple names and a bottle. I don't have long to look before El is ripping me towards the bed.

"So far we've only seen Mike and Lucas letting out disturbing bodily gasses." Max says laughing.

"El can see what people are doing without being with them." Max adds with a smile.

I look at the names and I see Billy's name. A pit in my stomach runs through me and I don't know why.

"Wanna see what your boy toy, Billy is up too?" Max says with a smirk. I send her a look but I secretly wanted to know what was going on.

Max grabs the radio and I have a sense of déjà vu.

Everything is going in slow motion. I remember this. Max grabbing the radio smiling and laughing with El. They're talking but I can feel in chills down my body. Something isn't right.

I bring myself back into reality.

"Let's do this" I say quickly.

"Okay just to warn you if you see anything gross just leave. I'm serious he is gross." Max says in laughing tone.

I give her a irritated look.

"Um don't worry, Marley, I'm sure he isn't with another girl or anything..." she says, trying to correct herself.

"Ready?" El asks.

"Ready." We confirm. A feeling of uneasiness comes back into my body and I start to chew at my fingers.

There's a long awkward pause. Both of us staring intensely at El. I start to feel anxious, almost biting my whole fingernail off.

"I found him." El says in an abnormally calm tone.

"What's he doing?" I say nervously. I look over at Max. We both have the same look of fear in our eyes.

"I don't know... he's on the floor... talking to someone. El says shakily.

"El, what the hell is going on?" I say demandingly. My hands are shaking. Max looks at me with concern, but I don't care about her right now. All I care about is Billy.

El starts to gasp. She panting so hard you can see tears dripping down to her cheeks. She rips the blindfold off shaking her head in disbelief.

"What is it, what happened?" I shout grabbing El's arm tightly.

The wind outside starts to pick up. A tree branch slams on the window. Max gasps. I jump from her scream and feel El's whole body fold into mine. She starts sobbing into my shoulder.

El explained what she saw. Billy having a hungry look in his eyes like he just killed his prey. How Billy then saw El and he took a step for her. She was shaking the whole time as she told us.

I eventually left the room when Max and El went to sleep. Billy wouldn't do that. There's no way he could of seen her right?

Why can't I remember?

My head is pounding from the stress I'm in desperate need of sleep. I'll remember everything tomorrow, I just have too.

(Wills POV)

I'm tired of being the only one worried about the party. I can't even remember the last time we played D&D.

As I go up the stairs I see Mrs. Wheeler eating at the table by herself. I glance into the living room passing her to see Mr. Wheeler passed out on the couch.

"Well good morning Will, are the boys still sleeping?" She says with a smile.

"Um yes" as I force a pitiful smile.

"What's wrong, Will, is everything okay?" She asks in a genuine concerned way.

"Yes, everything fine, may I use the phone please to call Marley?" I say quietly.

"Of course is everything good with her?" She asks as she stands up to go to the sink.

"Yes she's fine, I was just gonna ask her if she wanted to play a game with us." I say with a little smile.

"Well take your time, I would love to see her." She says as she walks into the living room to try to wake Mr.Wheeler up.

I dial her number. I know it by heart now.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum