Part 19

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Word Count: 1163

"All I'm saying is that the superhero's from my time are better." I shrugged.

"No way. Superman is too bad ass." Steve said. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"He's boring. He has too many powers and doesn't leave any for the rest of them. He can be killed by a rock and his only identity mask are a pair of busted up glasses." I said truthfully.

Steve laughed but shivered when the cold air hit our arms as we exited the school.

"How are you not dying?" Steve asked, looking down at my skirt.

"Because I'm hot blooded..." I said with a shrug. Steve didn't seem to catch on so I kept going.

"Check it and see." I added, hiding my smirk. Steve, who still didn't understand, put a hand to my forehead.

"Does it feel like I have a fever of 103?" Realization hit his face and he rolled his eyes.

"You're so stupid." I laughed and stumbled slightly as he nudged me.

"So, your dad is only letting you go if I come pick you up?" He asked as we got to my car. I leaned against the drivers side window.

"No!" Steve looked at me in confusion because I cursed myself mentally.

"I mean..I'll go to your house. We'll meet from there." I said. Steve nodded and placed his hand on my car beside me, leaning in close.

"Tell me what your costume is." He said, smiling slightly.

"No, I told you, it's a surprise." I said back.

"I hate it when you tease me." He said, leaning his head back and sighing. I rolled my eyes with a laugh  and pushed him away, getting into my car.

I drove out of the school quickly so I could get home in time to get ready.

After a few minutes down the road, I saw three boys in costumes standing on the side of the road. I slowed down to a stop and rolled down the window.

"You boys need a ride?" I called. They all turned to me in fear before they saw who it was. They sighed in relief and popped open my trunk for their bikes before stepping.

"What an asshole." Dustin said when he got in.

"Hey, you don't have to accept the ride." I joked.

"Not you, some asshole in a blue Camaro." Mike said from the seat next to me.

"They tried to hit us." Lucas said angrily. I furrowed my eyes in confusion before it hit me. Only one person drives a bright blue Camaro in this town.

"Billy..." I seethed.

I dropped off Will first, then Lucas. Dustin hopped in the front seat and dangled his little feet happily.

"So, Is Jonathan your boyfriend?" He asked suddenly. I chocked on my spit and looked at him like he had three heads.

"Of course not. He's one of my best friends." I defended.

"What about Max's brother Billy?" this made me turn my head and glare at the young boy. Dustin giggled just as we pulled into his drive way.

"Thanks for the ride, Mar!" I sent him a small wave and waited until he was inside because I rushed to the Hargrove house.

The only reason I knew where he lived was because my dad was talking about it a couple days, said a few people have noise complaints.

When I approached the house, I saw the blue Camaro sitting in the driveway and felt my blood curdling.

I knew Billy's dad hit him and was easily angered  so I had to come up with a good plan so he wouldn't get in trouble for me showing up.

Billy might be an asshole but no one deserves that.

Getting out of my car, I walked up to the door and knocked gently. A notebook in one hand. It was silent inside surprisingly but after a few seconds, someone opened the door.

Instantly, my nose was filled with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. The man looked at me up and down and scoffed.

"We don't want no cookies, kid." Just as he tried to close the door, I put my hand on it, stopping it harshly.

I felt a scowl on my face and quickly replaced it with a smile.

"I'm not selling cookies." I said kindly. I could see two people enter frame from the hallway and tried to keep my face from scowling again. Billy was standing on the right and max on the left.

"So, what do you want?" He asked. Both kids came closer to the door.

"Well, my name is Marley. I'm the Chief of polices daughter." I said, enunciating Hopper's title. I looked at Billy who gulped when he heard me.

"The chief, huh?" Neil said, standing up fully. I could tell my words had gotten to him.

"Yep, my dad asked me to greet you guys to the neighborhood properly." I lied. Hopper had no idea that I was here and if he did, I'd be dead.

"And I also figured that I could talk to your children while I was here. Kill two birds with one stone, you know." I smiled.

"You're a cheerleader?" Neil asked again, taking the chance to look me up and down again. I clenched my jaw and shifted my feet.

"Yes, sir. Your children, please?"

"What do you want them for?" He asked, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Well, I wanted to give Billy some notes from the beginning of the semester to study for next weeks test, and I wanted to offer Max rides whenever Billy was busy." I shrugged.

Neil hummed in response.

"Maxine! William!" Neil yelled, not looking back. The kids who had been standing there before, came up to the door fully.

"Be nice." Neil said, hitting Billy in the chest. Billy closed his eyes and sighed before they both came with me outside.

When he left, I dropped my wide smile.

"I'm taking you to trick or treat later. I need a minute to talk to Billy." Max nodded quickly before rushing back inside.

When she left, Billy smirked.

"Needed me so bad, Princess-" I shoved him into the closed door.

"Try and hit those kids again and I'll make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?" I spit. Billy looked away from my face and to my left arm that was against his chest.

I didn't wear the sleeves go my uniform today because I was wearing my varsity jacket that I left in my car.

My scarred over gash from the upside down was fully visible. Slowly, Billy started to reach for it so I yanked my arm back and covered it with my other hand.

Billy looked back up at me with something I didn't recognize.

"Here." I shoved the notebook in his chest and turned on my heels to get in my car before I zoomed out of the driveway.

A Day In The Life As An Everyday Time Traveler.| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now