unexpected conversations, panic attacks and one direction

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"How about we go come alexander, and you can rest" his mom says and help his sit up, but he turns and cling to me for a moment. "Go home babe, and I'll talk to you later" I say and kiss his head.

"Can you come after school?" he mumbles, and I tell him that I can do that. Of course I will come over if that makes him feel better.

They leave and I go back to class, which has now become history class, so I head there. I'm continuing to work with Rebecca today which is confusing. She is being nice to me in one minute and then snarky, she is polar opposite in the matter of seconds.

We get instructions by the teacher before we start to work on our assignment together. Its uncomfortable because she is so unpredictable, but I'm trying to be professional and get along. This counts as a huge part of our final grade so I'm not going to let her mess me up in this. I'm serious about my education so I'm giving it my all like I always do.

"What is it like being a genius? Like your mind works so fast I can't keep up with you. Can you slow down? No one can keep up with you" Rebecca says and I'm taking back by her comment because it's a compliment but with a snarky tone.

"I don't feel like a genius" I say and shrug "But sure ill slow down" I say and try to explain further what I'm thinking and where I'm going. Working in groups or teams are hard for me when I'm not working with another gifted child as other minds don't work as fast as mine. I can grasp a concept by just skimming through the material and I immediately start to draw pictures in my head about how everything connects together. Sometimes it's so overwhelming that its exhausting, but it's also a neat trick I have. It doesn't take much effort for me to learn stuff, which gives me more time to focus on dance or other stuff.

"How is your leg?" she asks, and I smile weakly at her "it's fine, still hurts and I need to use the cane. But it's getting better. How is your shoulder?" I tell her and ask her a question back. I asked her yesterday about where she got shot as I knew she did, it took her a while to debate if she wanted to tell me or not, but she eventually did. The timid look on her face when she talks about what happened make me feel bad for her.

There has been a question I've wanted to ask her for nine years, and I figure that I should just get it over with. "Why do you hate me so much? Did I ever do something to upset you?" I ask her and she looks between me and the desk.

It takes a while before she says anything "I... a lot has happened to me... as everyone now a little about know because of my biological brothers actions, but I know that it's a crappy excuse. But when I started, I just couldn't stop, and that's the pathetic truth of it all. You were an easy target, Ellie. The pretty perfect girl with the insanely high IQ, famous parents and all the money in the world. Everyone adored you and I... I don't know. I wanted your life to suck, okay?! You're a perfect little rich girl that everyone loves. And every time something shitty happened to you I basked in it because it meant you felt pain" she starts off soft but then turn sharp and snappy. Clearly this isn't something she wanted to admit to me, and I don't blame her for that.

"My life is far from perfect; it's never been like that. I obviously don't know what you went through, and you know some of mine because it's out in the media, but... I'm not perfect, my life is messy. I have the eyes of the world watching my ever move and then everyone knows about my mistakes. I'm just saying... everyone got shit in their life, that doesn't give you a right to treat me like I'm garbage. I don't think you realize what damage your actions have on me and the other people you've targeted" I tell her honestly.

I'm starting to think if my life really seems perfect from the outside? I don't think so because there has been one thing after another that has happened to me. I've been kidnapped, tortured, forced to stay in a hospital because of my eating disorder and been shot. Like that doesn't sound like a perfect life to me? And on top of all of that everything has played out in the media. It seems like whenever something shitty happened in my life it was on the front page of ever news article. This doesn't sound like someone with a perfect life.

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα