Being loved is the best feeling, it makes me feel special. I don't want what we have to ever end, but I can't keep worrying about the "what ifs" of life because that can keep me from enjoying the good moments as they happen.

He starts to mumble a melody softly into my ear that he knows I love.

"I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly"

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you
Oh, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things"

I can't stop smiling, he really loves me, and I love him. "i'm in love with you too alexander. With all your little things" I grin and kiss him again and again.

But then I laugh "you want to know something funny. My mom dated one of the singers from that band. Harry styles" I tell him, and he bursts out laughing with me. My mom told me that once while I was humming the song, it's a song that Alex and I love. That band have so many cute love songs, but my mom was laughing so hard when she said she dated harry styles. The bad is really old, but they have cute music. Most of the time I'm not into boybands and that kind of stuff, but I think their songs are cute and romantic.


Then there are screams coming from down the hallway and we shoot up. Then we hear it... a gunshot and tears prick in my eyes. Alex grabs my hand and while others are frozen, he drags me with him into the other corridor away from where we can hear the shoots. "Alex" I whimper but he shushes me and hold me close.

We have school drills to practice in case of an emergency like this, but you never think something like this actually could happen to you. We hear stories on the news all the time, there are school shoots in the United States several times a week, but you never think it will happen to you or someone close to you.

He drags me into a classroom where some other students opened up the door for us, but we hear the gunshots coming closer. Alex slides down into a corner and pulls me into his arms and holds me as tightly as he can. My head is tucked into his chest and both of our bodies are shaking.

There is banging on the door and then it flies open.

** present time **

-taylors pov-

"Taylor I'm on my way to the school now to look for Ellie. There has been... there has been a shooting there. I don't want you to alarm kenzie, and I've gotten the nanny to pick up aurora and bring her to you at the hospital" he says, and I can hear how hard he is crying.

I slide down against the counter as tears stream down my face "joe. Our baby. Have you tried to call her" I say and choke on my words. "No because we are told to not call them before we know that there are no more shooters inside the school just in case their phones go off"

We have been told that by the school during a conference on safety. The fact that we even need to have those, that they need to send information about school shootings home to parents is crazy. Its 2036 but school shootings are still a thing because we don't have strict enough gun laws.

"Joe I love you. Find our baby girl" I say, and we agree before I hang up. Kenzie is in there and I don't know what to tell her but I know that it will be on the tv or on the news alert on her phone any second now so I should tell her myself.

-joes pov-

I get to the school and there are parents everywhere, security is with me and are also keeping an eye out for Ellie. Of course I'm seeing if I see Alex because Ellie would want that, and I'm keeping an eye out for Lauren too, because of Abigail, but mostly my daugther.

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Where stories live. Discover now