Stupid decisions have consequences

Start from the beginning

"no Elliana" I tell her firmly. This on top of everything else going on in our lives at the moment it's just one more thing on the top of everything else. It's exhausting and I wish that she would just act like the responsible Elliana I know. This is so unlike her, and I don't know how to discipline her because we haven't had to do this before.

We get home and joe is on his way home after trading places with selena. I don't want to tell him about this in front of kenzie or in a hospital because I have a feeling joe will yell too. But before he gets home, I call Viviane, Alex's mom.

"Hi Viviane, how are you?" I say when she picks up. "hi Taylor. I'm good, how are you?"

"i'm fine. But I'm calling because our children decided to have sex without a condom and now Ellie has gonorrhea, so Alex needs to be tested too" I tell her and there is a long pause. "I can't believe these kids. We have talked with him so much about how important condoms is" she says and is clearly just as mad as me.

"Apparently the bacteria that causes gonorrhea is something a person could naturally have and when you have unprotected sex it could transfer to the partner. So chances are he is asymptomatic I think if I understood the doctors correct" I tell her, and she says that she is going to take him to the doctor tomorrow morning so he can get cheeked out as well. "so Ellie has to go on two weeks of antibiotics. But I don't know how you are feeling but I'm furious"

"I am just as mad. I can't believe these kids. Now it's about how to handle this" she says and sigh. "Yes. I told Ellie that there are no more closed doors, and she isn't allowed to have him over if she is home alone anymore. I know that this won't prevent them from doing stuff other places, but what they did is reckless, and I need to try something"

She agrees and is doing the same for Alex. Alex and Ellie broke our trust and it's going to take time to earn that back. Thankfully I've become good friends with his mom, and we have an open dialogue about our children's relationship. It's not that we interfere with what they are doing much, but it's important for both of us that we have an open dialogue. It makes both his parents and us more comfortable knowing that we have a dialogue so we can better protect and support our children.

"Then I will implement the same things here. I completely agree and I will have a painfully long conversation with him about safe sex" she says and now I get an idea. "How about we meet up after they are done at dance and do it together. Make it clear that if they are going to make bad sexual decisions they need to sit and listen to us talk about safe sex" I suggest, and she agrees so after they are done at dance, they will come over here and we can talk.


Joe comes home after trading places with Selena, and I call Ellie down to the living room where joe and I are waiting for her. "Now Ellie. Tell your dad what is going on" I tell her. This is her mistake, and she needs to tell him herself.

There is a long pause "Elliana you need to tell him" I demand of her, and she bites her lip. "i... I have gonorrhea" she mumbles, and joes' eyes widen. "You have what" he yells at her and she flinches because of how loud he is being.

"How the hell did you get that?" he yells, and she can't look at either one of us "I... we had... we didn't use a condom" she says, and her face is turning red with embarrassment. Clearly, she realizes she made a mistake.

"Why did you do that. This is not okay Elliana Alwyn. I'm so disappointed in you" he continues to yell at her. "Because people told me about how it felt different. And we wanted to try" she confesses honestly at least. She isn't a liar at least, she doesn't lie.

"so just because your friends do stupid things you need to do them too? So if they are jumping out of a window you need to do it too? This is just an excuse Elliana. And now you have an STD. Does this mean that you are having sex with other people or is he cleating on you" he says, and I explain how she can get an STD without either one of those things happening. I hope he isn't cleating on her but if he isn't this is the explanation.

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