I don't care that they are hormonal, she should have waited. For all we know this boy is going to break her heart at any moment and she will have given something she can't take back. This is a decision she can never take back. She can never take back her virginity.

"What do you have to say for yourself Elliana" I say and turn to her. She is silently sobbing, and I hate when my children cries but I'm really mad at her. "Please dad try to understand. I wanted to do it" she says timidly.

I can't believe this girl. She has always been so mature and responsible, but this was a mistake. She made a mistake. "This is reckless Elliena, you could get pregnant, you could get an STD. You're usually so responsible but now you made a reckless decision. Did you even use a condom? This package isn't open" I say and throw my hands out in defeat.

"joe stop this. She wasnt acting reckless. You're being overdramatic right now. Don't guilt trip her over this. She made a choice that she felt was right for her and we need to accept that. She is growing up and as much as I hate that she did it I understand it. She is responsible, she never acts reckless, and you know that" Taylor says, and she is getting angry too now.

Elliana keeps looking between us and is crying and decides to try to walk out of the room "don't you dare leave this room Elliana. If you're going to act like this, you need to face us about it" I tell her, and she comes back in the room and sit down on a chair.

"dad of course I used a condom. I'm not reckless and you know that. Don't you understand that I wanted to do this. no one pressured me and we made the decision together. I wanted this, it was special and now you're throwing dirt at something that was really special for me" she says between sobs. I have a hard time grasping that she actually wanted this. I just feel so protective, and I don't want anyone to pressure her to make such an adult decision before she is truly ready for it. What if in a couple of months, she regrets it and can never take it back.

"What if you end up regretting this Elliana" I ask her and try to calm down the anger in my voice as she is starting to sob hysterically. Taylor goes over to her and wrap her in her arms. I don't know what's the right thing to say or do right now, I just stare at the two of them. I feel betrayed that they both knew this happened and no one told me, that's the worst part right now. She made this decision and couldn't tell me about it, that bothers me.

"Maybe I will regret it one day, but I don't think I will. Dad, he made me feel beautiful, I'm loved, and I want to hold onto that. Please try to understand. I love him" she sobs and I'm trying to calm down but it's hard. I hate that she is growing up and experimenting with her body, I want her to stay my little Ellie.

I should have known this was coming when we said yes to her getting a boyfriend, said yes to let her go out with him. Clearly, they have probably been taking steps for a while and I haven't known about that either. Maybe she has talked with Taylor, but no one tells me anything and that hurts.

"Taylor you're supposed to be my partner, why didn't you tell me if you knew about this. If you knew she wanted to have sex, if you knew she was going to have sex, and if you knew she did it, why didn't you tell me damn it" I yell at my wife, and she sighs. "Because it wasn't for me to tell you. Be glad that our daugther felt like she could come to me. And for the record I told her to wait, but she also needed to make that choice for herself, and I understand why she did it. we were both hormonal teenagers at a point joe" she says.

-ellies pov-

My dad is blowing this out of proportion and tainting a special moment for me. I felt so good that night, I felt like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He was so gentle and made me feel safe. Even though it hurt a lot it was still good and special, and I want to hold onto that. I don't want this moment to be tainted for me or feel guilty for it.

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