the family is together again

Start from the beginning

"Will your mom let you have sex?" she asks, and I shrug "she said that she can't exactly prevent me from doing it because I'm not around her 24 hours a day. But she hopes that I wait until I'm ready and feel like it's something I truly want to do. But I'm in no rush. For now, I'm happy with making out and cuddling" making out with Alex is amazing and he is taking everything at my pace.

Alex and Lucas come over to where we are sitting and Alex slide down next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder for a second before I continue eating.

"look it's the girl that will have to tell her sob story again in front of the jury in a month" Rebecca comes over to us and I tense, I know we are having a trial, but I haven't gotten the date yet. "Leave me alone Rebecca. Its none of your business" I tell her and I'm proud of that because I usually get really quiet and just let her talk.

"it's all over the internet so its everyone's business. You're facing the guy that raped your mom again. You sure he didn't rape you too and you're just covering it up?" she says and laugh, and my lip start to tremble. I hate her, I hate her with a burning passion because she always has some sort of remark to come at me with.

"Piss off Rebecca. You're anoying. Go find someone else to talk to because this conversation is over" Lauren says, and Alex wrap an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. "Take deep breaths baby" he whispers in my ear, and I close my eyes. I don't want to have a panic attack here in front of everyone, that would be mortifying. The whole incident in the basement is a really sore subject for me.

"Alex do you really want to be with a girl with so much baggage. She probably doesn't even give you sex, which is a disservice to you. She probably had sex with that man down in the fucking basement but won't sleep with you. Pathetic all--" once again she is cut off but this time it's by Alex "that's enough Rebecca. How dare you speak like that about her, or about anyone else for that matter. Get over yourself and leave the girl alone" he says sternly at her and I lean my head into his chest so no one can see that I'm crying.

She says something more before walking off laughing with her sidekicks but I'm just focusing on trying to breath and not have a full-blown panic attack in the middle of the cafeteria. Alex wrap both of his arms around my shoulders pulling me closer, and I wrap mine around his torso and rest my head in his chest.

"She needs to leave you alone. She has bene doing this for years and its pathetic" Lauren groans and everyone else agrees with her.

"Ellie take deep breaths" he tells me but it's really hard and I'm trying to suppress sobs but it's really hard. "Baby take a deep breath for me" he whispers in my ear. wish the bullying would stop, I wish that she would just leave me alone. I've never done anything to her, and I don't understand why she is always targeting me. What did I ever do to make her be so mean to me.


I'm done at dance and waiting for my mom to pick me up but I'm not feeling like myself. What Rebecca said earlier today is really imprinted in my mind and it's making me feel panicked and triggered.

"Ellie how are you doing?" Alex says and come over to where I'm standing outside the studio and wrap his arms around me and now, I can't keep the tears come coming again. "Oh baby, she doesn't deserve your tears. She is the pathetic one" he says and hold me close.

"it's messing with my head... its... I just can't deal with this" I cry into his chest, and he tighten his arms around me.

"Ellie are you okay?" my mom's voice comes from beside me and I shake my head and turn my head to look at her but still keeping it against his chest. "What happened sweetie" she asks and come over and rub my back "Rebecca has been a nightmare all day" I mumble. I feel so bad that my boyfriend is seeing me being such a mess, but he doesn't seem to mind, he always just holds me close and whisper sweet words in my ear.

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