today was a fairytale

Start from the beginning

That's one thing we have in common, our love for ballet. When we speak about how it makes us feel we are both so similar which is fun. It's probably hard for people that don't do dance at our level to understand how much time and commitment that goes into it, but he does understand and that makes things easier. 

"my sisters do gymnastics. They are there when I'm at dance" I say and make a run for the tumble track and do a series of back handsprings before a back toss into the foam pit and roll away because he is coming too. "Do you think your sisters will like me?" he says and grin at me. 

"kenzie will for sure, she is a goofball that loves people. Aurora is weird, she can flip between being the sweetest and the most anoying at the drop of a coin. With her you never know what you're going to get. But I don't even know if they're home when we get there, I think aurora was going to have a sleepover with her friend ruby" I say. Ruby and aurora have been friends all of their lives, they were in the NICU at the same time, so ruby's mom and my mom talked a lot and leaned on one another. 

Eventually we drag ourselves out of the trampolines, get dressed and head for the frozen yogurt place next door. I'm a bit nervous about this because I still struggle with my eating disorder, but I want to do normal things like this so I'm going to jump into it. 

"What kind do you want?" he asks and hand me a cup and I look at the big wall of options "red velvet. I love all things red velvet" I say and head for that option. My mom has passed her love of red velvet onto me, it's probably because she demanded for my dad to go get it at all hours of the day while she was pregnant with me. If she didn't get it, she was grumpy. 

"i'm going to get cookies and cream" he says and get that for himself. And then we get some toppings. I go for some strawberries and sprinkles while he goes for Oreos and chocolate sauce. 

To get some privacy we decide to go and eat in his car, so he opens the door for me, and I get a taste of mine when we are both in the car "this is really good. I haven't had this is forever" I sigh in content, and he smiles at me "can I taste?" he asks, and I take a spoonful of mine and feed him as I laugh and then he insists on returning the favor. 

"I haven't had this much fun in a while" I say and continue to eat "me too, hanging with you is so much fun" we just can't stop laughing at all and everything to the point where my stomach muscles are so sore. 

"How are you doing these days with your dad being in the hospital and the new like trial stuff. I've wanted to ask you since you mentioned it, but I didn't want to ask when we were around other people. Obviously, you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to though" he says and my face drops for a second before I gather myself again. 

"my dad is doing much better, now it's all about gaining strength so he can come home. His head and all that is improving so that's good. With the trial stuff I'm just exhausted. I don't know how much you know about... about my past. It's so anoying that what happened is out in the media because it's so private. But it's a lot to deal with."  I say and look down. 

"i'm not going to pretend I haven't heard about it because your parents are who they are and my sister is a big fan of your mom, so I remember she has talked about it several times before we moved here. But I can't imagine how hard that is to always have a risk of private information being all over the headlines. Especially when its stuff that's such heavy stuff" he says softly and I'm almost in tears. 

"oh sorry I didn't mean to make you cry Ellie" he says and take my hands in his and rub circles on the back of them. "that's probably the hardest part of being Taylor swifts daugther. The fact that my private life is invaded all the time" 

"If you ever want to talk about anything just let me know. I have two shoulders you can cry on and I'll just hold you close. I know there isn't much I can do about all that stuff but I'm here to hold you Elliana" he says and gently lean over to kiss me, and I let my mind wander free as his soft lips are against mine. 

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Where stories live. Discover now