statement and giddy feelings

Start from the beginning

"How are you feeling Ellie? You think you're okay to go to school?" I ask her as we drive. "i'm fine. I need to keep busy or I'm going insane" normally she would never turn down a chance to stay home from school, but I guess now that she got a boyfriend, she wants to see him, and he is at school.

-ellies pov-

By the time I get to school classes have already started so I hurry to my first class, but I can't really pay attention to anything. The fact that there are new charges means that it will be a new trial and I will need to testify again. I hate that he finds ways to keep popping back into our lives every so often. It's been nine years since the kidnapping, and I wish that we could move on and leave it in the past.

Eventually we reach lunch break and when I reach my locker to put my books away and get my lunch Alex is there waiting for me "hi beautiful. Where were you this morning" he says and kiss my cheek as I reach him, and I smile.

"I had some stuff to do... a... a statement thing because of the accident" I tell him and can't keep a smile on my face anymore. it hurts to talk about because I know how bad it could have ended. We were lucky all things considered and knowing that it was premeditated makes me really anxious.

We head to the cafeteria together and he holds my hand tightly. "Do you want to eat with me? And we could talk" he suggests "yeah, that would be nice" I say and try to keep my mood up but it's hard. So we get a table in the far back of the cafeteria and sit down next to one another.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but you can talk about it if you need to talk. I know that we are fairly new but I'm here for you if you need me" he says. "it's just a lot. Stuff from my past, like stuff that happened nine years ago is coming back and its annoying. I had such a good day yesterday but then this came and it's just annoying" I groan.

"But can we talk about something else. I don't want to think about it" I say, and he agrees. "Are you close with your siblings?" I ask him.

"Kind of. They're one and two years older than me, Meghan and Gabriel. But they're cool. You have younger sisters though?" he says. I tell him how aurora is anoying but really good at gymnastics and how kenzie is just a walking goofball and always making me laugh.

"She said I had to bring you home sometime because she said that she wanted to meet you" I say and smile at him and he brushes hair behind my ear making me shiver.

Lauren, Katie and Caroline come over "can we sit with you two or is this a date" they ask, and we grin at one another before he addresses them "You can sit. We are just talking" so the girls sit down.

"you two are adorable" Katie says, and I blush and look down and can't keep the big smile off my face. "Well, she is pretty adorable, I agree with that" he says and brush hair behind my ear again and rub my back.

"Did you meet her mom when you picked her up on monday? I was so nervous the first time I meet her" Caroline says, and I tense slightly but quickly recover. I just don't want my parents to be a big deal because they are really normal people in their everyday lives.

"Yes, I meet Taylor in the doorway. She was really nice" he says and shrug.

As both of us finish up our lunch he wraps his arm around me, and I sink into his touch. It feels so nice being tucked into his arm so securely.

"so Lauren, you have known her since she was a kid, right? Anything I should know" he asks Lauren and I glare at her to not say anything embarrassing" I've known her my whole life because our moms have been best friends since high school. she is pretty unproblematic really; she used to constantly wear princess dresses and loved all things frozen. Oh, and a few years ago she sang at rock and roll hall of fame ceremony for her mom. I'm totally going to show it to you because it was adorable. She doesn't want to admit it, but she has a really good singing voice" Lauren says and I groan and turn my head into Alex's shoulder.

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