"She is going to hate us" joe says and carry Ellie over to the kitchen where I've laid the tests out before I go into a coughing fit. "Yeah, but she Is 1 and a half and hopefully won't remember it" I mumble.

First I get my test ready and slide it up my nose and twirl it around. It's really uncomfortable but I've taken these several times. Then I go the thing where you mix it with a type of liquid before you can drop it on the test strip.

Joe does himself next before we get ready to do Ellie. "I hate this. She is so little" I say and sit down on a chair with her in my arms while joe gets the swab ready. She isn't understanding what's happening, so she just cuddles in my chest, and I kiss the top of her head.

Then I have to hold her head still as joe slide it into her nose which causes her to scream bloody murder. "it's okay munchkin, almost done" I coo her as she tries to fight it, but we know it needs to be done. Thankfully it doesn't take long, and joe takes it out again and go to mix it and put it on the test strip.

Ellie is crying hard, and I cuddle her in my chest "i'm sorry, we just need to know if you are sick or not" I say and rock us from side to side. "Mommy" she whimpers.

We set an alarm and wait for the results. It seems like it takes forever but it really only takes a few minutes.

Joe goes to look at all three "well, we all have covid" he says, and I sigh, I knew that we would get it at some point probably and now it's our turn.

** end of flashback **

"Have I had covid?" aurora mumbles "no you didn't"

"well, that's unfair. I want I too if Ellie got it" she says and cross her arms, She is so stubborn.

"it's not unfair. It's a scary illness that can make you really sick" joe says firmly. We don't want this to end in a big blowout between the girls.

Thankfully they calm down and we finish the dinner in a good mood. That's what's hardest about having three girls, they bicker a lot. Especially because they are just as stubborn as I have always been and then they are so different personality wise. Kenzie is a goofball that has no filter or care in the world. Aurora has a temper that can blow at any second and she has always had that. We have been worried about it but aperently it's a potential side effect of being that premature, behavior problems. Ellie is a really sensitive girl and even more after everything she has been through. Not to mention both aurora and Ellie is hormonal.

Kenzie runs off and aurora has questions. "We had sex ed today, and it was so embarrassing. I wanted to run away from the room" she says and scrunch her nose and joe leans over to me and whisper in my ear "haven't you had the sex talk with her"

I roll my eyes "no not yet. But this time it's your turn. Go ahead and talk to her" I tell him quietly.

Ellie has clearly picked up on it "mom can you come with me I wanted to show you something" she says, and I agree and after we put our dishes in the dishwasher we head upstairs.

"Did you actually want to show me something or did you want to get out of the conversation?" I ask her as I sit down on her bed. "I had something I wanted to ask you about actually" she says and pull up her phone.

She shows me a video I know all too well, a video that tells the storyline of my relationship to Kanye west and Kim Kardashian. The duo that sent me into a darkness so deep that I didn't know if I would ever claw my way back out of it.

"What happened?" she asks me after the video finishes. "Well, it all started when I won my first VMA against Beyonce. He was mad about it and came on the stage and took the mic away from me. That was the starting point and I felt really bad. I felt like it was a sign I didn't belong, and it messed with my head for years"

Beautiful things - jaylor story (peace book 4)Where stories live. Discover now