chapter fifty-eight

Start from the beginning

Laurel glanced at her, "do you remember that night of Jim's funeral, at the quarry? When we talked?" Cassie dropped the binoculars from her face, making a quizzed look before shaking her head. "I told you that it's time for you to be tough, to be able to stand up for yourself, " Laurel continued.

It took a moment until Cassie nodded, "I remember. You told me what could happen to you, to everyone. Not to get attached..." She trailed off, glancing at Laurel.

Laurel breathed out a small laugh at the irony, "yeah. We both didn't do the best with getting attached." She stepped behind the small girl and wrapped her arms around her. "You were strong all winter, helped me a lot. I just wanted to say I'm proud of you, mom and your dad would be too and I know no matter what, we'll make out of this. I just need you to stay strong for me."

Cassie nodded. The two sisters stood in each other's embrace silently for a moment until Cassie spoke up. "The Governor is trying to kill us, right?"

Laurel wrapped her arms around her tighter, "he won't even get close—"

She was cut off by Rick calling out for Daryl, and by the tone of his voice that carried throughout the courtyard, something was wrong. She grabbed Cassie's hand and they both hurried towards Rick who stood in the middle of the courtyard, Daryl meeting up with him. "Rick? What's going on?" Laurel asked.

"You seen Merle?" Daryl asked her as she approached with Cassie at her side, ignoring her question.


"What about Michonne? Ethan?" Rick asked her.

"She was with Ethan and Merle, said they needed to clear walkers," Cassie answered.

Daryl cursed under his breath and Rick turned to him, "he took both of them, went ahead with the deal anyway."

Both of the men looked at the older sister in front of them with pained faces. Laurel's stomach dropped. "What deal? You both better tell me what's going on and how Ethan is in the middle of all this," she threateningly stepped forward.

"The Governor wanted both your brother and Michonne in exchange for this to end." Laurel's jaw dropped and Rick quickly continued, "but I was never going to give him Ethan. Only Michonne. And I was just about to call it off but Merle already left with both of them."

Cassie gasped, and it took all of Laurel's willpower to not raise her voice or hands at the men standing before her. Before she could say anything, Daryl spoke up, "I'll go get 'em. Stay here," he ordered.

"No, I'm coming with, that's my brother," Laurel glared at him.

Daryl shook his head but Laurel already decided and there was nothing he could do about it, the men knew that, Cassie too. She turned to her little sister, "go inside, and wait for us, okay? I'll bring him back."

Cassie nodded and before her sister turned to leave, she held her hand tighter, "I love you."

"I love you," Laurel replied, letting go of Cassie's hand.

Laurel and Daryl left their home on foot to track down Michonne and their brothers. Sleep was not an option as her heart raced in fear of losing her brother for real this time. She couldn't let the Governor get his hands on him.

"I wanna be with my brother, and my brother wants to be in the prison. This whole trip? Maybe it will keep that place standing. If I pull it off, maybe all is forgiven."

"I want lunch, no maybe about that," Ethan mumbled, glaring at his tied wrists. He walked behind Merle, Michonne by his side, the latter tied up with him as Merle dragged them both who knows where.

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