Chapter 1- Marshmallows and Green Eyes

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Numb. It’s that feeling where you aren’t sad, angry, depressed, or shocked. You’re just kind of lost in time, I guess. He left me completely empty. The strange part, I didn’t regret anything. I realized that my Prince Charming didn’t have to be a knight in shining armor. He was the idiot in tin foil all along.

3 months earlier…


It was a picture perfect night at the campground. The aroma of marshmallows and hotdogs filled my nose as I felt the warmth of the fire against my skin. I snuggled deeper into my sleeping bag as I studied my surroundings. My gaze was met by a smirking green-eyed boy. I quickly turned away and brought my attention back to my friends. Even after I turned away, I could feel him staring. It made me quite uncomfortable and self-conscious about myself. I finally decided on just covering myself up and blocking out everyone around the fire.

“Shock, horror, I’m down

Lost, you’re not around

There’s a lump in my chest that

Sends cold through my head and,” I listened from underneath my sleeping bag as a deep, husky, voice began to sing. It was beautiful. I couldn’t really explain how it sounded. Things like that you can’t explain; especially if you’re like me.  I stumble over my words as it is. I slowly lifted my head out of the dark and peeked out to match the voice to a person. Sure enough it was the boy I was trying to avoid.  When he saw me come out of my hiding place, he smiled and sang louder, making sure he kept his eyes locked on mine the whole time.

“I don’t know when I lost my mind,

Maybe when I made you mine,

I don’t know when I lost my mind,

Maybe it was every time

You said, you said, you said,

I miss you” He finished and winked at me, I blushed and prayed he couldn’t see the light pink that had taken to my cheeks. It seemed he had a big head as it is. People clapped for him and patted him on the back before heading back to their cabins. I attempted to do the same. I hastily got up from my seat and gathered my things before power walking toward the path that led to my cabin that I shared with twelve other girls. I guess power walking wasn’t enough. I felt someone grasp my arm. I looked down at the giant hand holding onto me and turned around slowly.

“Hello,” I said awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact.  I kept my focus on the grass under my feet.

“Hey,” He said with a flirtatious grin. “Where are you going?”

“Back to my cabin?” The words came out sounded more like a question. “Yeah, back to my cabin.” I said to myself. He finally let go of my arm and I let go of the breath that I had been holding. I rounded up the courage to look at him. His curly hair fell perfectly around his heart shaped face. I had the sudden urge to touch them, but held back. It might have been weird considering I didn’t even know his name. “What kind of shampoo do you use?” I asked. It was completely random. The boy just laughed it off. I liked the sound of his laugh. It was almost as beautiful as him singing.

“I’m Harry.” He said ignoring my odd previous question. I didn’t blame him.

“Chloe,” I replied. The corners of my mouth twitched upwards into a small smile.  There wasn’t as much tension now that I at least knew his name.

“I had a hamster named Chloe once.” He said and I giggled. “Please don’t take that offensively, I really like your name,” Harry quickly defended himself.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t. I had a pig named Harry.” I smiled very proud of my quick response.

“Well aren’t we sarcastic?” He asked in a joking tone.

“Very.”  I grinned and looked out at the lake. Sleepiness began to take over my body and I let out a very- not so girly- yawn.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Harry asked noticing how tired I was.

“For sure!” I nodded. “We have all summer right?”

“Yeah, night Chloe,” he said smiling down at me. He had to have been at least six feet tall.

“Night Harold.” I said sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled and waved. I turned and started to jog to catch up with the rest of the group. I did not want to walk in the woods by myself all the way back to the cabin.

I opened the door and saw everyone already climbing into their bunks. I slipped off my flip-flops by the door mat and walked inside. The room smelled musty, just as you would expect a log cabin would smell. There were spider webs too which kind of freaked me out. I tip toed over to my bed and climbed under the covers. I pulled my pillow up to my face and breathed in deeply. It smelled like home. I missed that familiar scent a lot, even though I have only been here for about a week. My eyelids got extremely heavy as I drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night I was awoken by leaves crackling outside.  I tried to close my eyes and ignore it, but the more I tried, the more annoying the noise became.

Eventually it became too much. I threw my sleeping bag to the side and shivered as my foot made contact with the cool wooden floor. I walked down the line of beds until I made it to the front door. I grabbed my sweatshirt and shoes before stepping outside. The sound of the crunching leaves came from the other side of the cabin. I walked over cautiously and peeked around the corner. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the blurriness from sleeping. My vision cleared and I tried to focus on the moving figures through the darkness. I could just barely make out the curly haired boy and some other chick making out. It was quite disgusting and I had never seen two people kiss like that.

I know I shouldn’t be upset about seeing Harry with another girl. It’s not like we were dating. He could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. Although we weren’t together, I did feel kind of betrayed. Earlier that night, I kind of got the feeling Harry was flirting. He kept looking at me and winking at me, he even stopped me after the fire just to know my name. I didn’t like the fact that he was leading me on.

I stormed back into the cabin, quietly enough that nobody would wake up of course, and jumped back into bed. A warm, salty tear, rolled down my cheek. I wiped it off and looked at my wet thumb confused. Why was I crying? I laughed at myself for being so emotional over a stupid guy and the crackling of the leaves went away. I let out a loud sigh of relief that they were gone and let myself fall into a dreamless sleep.


A/N yayy new fanfic!! Okay, let's get some things clear, this fanfic is basically what would have happened before the boys' audition for xfactor and there wasnt 'one direction' yet ALSO there are only two of the guys in this story one of which is Harry (try to guess the second in the comments :p) The only reason being that I only used two is because Liam is sorta like the star in the other one and I plan on making a few more stories featuring each of the boys. Who knows? Maybe all the boys will make an appearance?? gonna have to wait and see ;)

OMG have any of you heard the song "Merry go round' by kacey musgraves? Im kinda obbssessed with it right nowww! If you havent heard it, look it up on youtube or something! Goshh its soo catchy :O Sorry for being random I just had to tell you guys haha!

Vote, comment, fan, and share! Thanks for reading this by the way (the author's notes) I am curious to see who actually reads these so if you read this comment "Cheesecake" Stupid i know, but i couldnt think of anything else :P

until chapter 2... BYEEE!! :)


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