Unexpected Arrival

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"You must've realised that a long time ago, Lord Tywin. I'd rather approach you with a mocking smile than a furious expression that never fades. My forehead would grow far too many wrinkles if I had done the latter, I fear."

"I see."

"With your good eye?"

"... You have Aery's early sense of humour." Lord Tywin decided not to take the bait, complimenting him instead.

"Should I be proud?"

"No one could doubt his charm at that time." Lord Tywin nodded without any deception in his voice. "Though, unlike him, you have the ability and will to carry out your ambitions. That is a trait that I can respect."

"I never thought Lord Tywin was one for flattery." Aerion Targaryen replied, pleasantly surprised. "You and my grandfather were good friends in the old days, I hear..."

"That was a long time ago... when I thought I knew him." Lord Tywin stood up from his seat and looked at Aerion for a brief, few, seconds. "You are what he wanted to be."


Aerion Targaryen stood still as Lord Tywin walked past him.

"If I may say one more thing, Your Grace... don't betray his trust in you."

He didn't mention who's trust but Aerion could guess who he was referring to.


After the top four had been decided, the Grand Joust was halted until the following day's afternoon. This was to build anticipation and give the spectators a break before evening would fall. The remaining four competitors were; Ser Jaime Lannister, Ser Barristan Selmy, Ser Arthur Dayne and Aerion Targaryen himself. The Kingsguard had all dominated the Grand Joust overall, ending their rounds with a single tilt every time until Ser Jaime had faced Ser Oswell. Meanwhile, Aerion Targaryen's path to victory was a lot shakier but he showed great growth with every round.

This day's feast was met with a great surprise as doors were opened to reveal a mesmerising beauty from Dorne. She was accompanied by guards who wore the distinguished heraldry of House Dayne, leading to countless gazes turning to the entrance. Many walked forward to greet her but she courteously walked past them, all the way to where the Dragon Emperor stood.

"My, look at you all grown up... from a cute little sweetheart to a fully-grown Conqueror!"

Aerion Targaryen turned away from her violet eyes in embarrassment. "Did you have to say that in front of my entire court, auntie?"

"Hahaha... my condolences," She courteously bowed. "Your Grace? What is the proper way of addressing the Dragon Emperor Aerion?"

"I haven't decided on it yet." Aerion Targaryen shrugged. "Besides, that's not important. I'm glad to see you here... after all, the Lady Ashara is known for bringing fire to the darkest of halls. It will make the Grand Joust and my following nameday all the more brilliant."

"You flatter me, Your Grace..."

"It has been a good while, Lady Ashara." Elia Martell approached Ashara Dayne, who had served as her lady-in-waiting for quite some time. "How goes life at Starfall?"

"Not much has changed since your last visit, Lady Elia, except for all the men singing songs and tales of your son's endless victories."

"There is no shortage to those... along with the worries that come with every said battle."

"Mother... I always choose my battles wisely." Aerion Targaryen countered.

"Like the duel to the death where one of those horse lords nearly cut your neck open?"

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