Date Night.

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"The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps into another chemical, each step being facilitated by a specific enzyme. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because?"

"My silver gun would look great as a tattoo on my back. And Val would absolutely love it," I whispered.
"What silver gun are you talking about? And who's Val?" Morgan asked confusedly. "Jasmine are you even listening to me?"

Dropping my spoon on the table I glanced cluelessly at my friend who was seated across from me at Veniero's Pastry Shop. "I'm sorry Morgan, what were you saying? I spaced out for a second. Would you mind repeating the question?"
"The silver gun. What silver gun do you have? And who is Val?" she asked folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh..the silver gun is a water gun I was buying for my cousin's birthday," I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
"Okay, and who's Val? Is he...your boyfriend? I thought Allan was your boyfriend."
"Yes, but I broke up with him after I saw him cheating on me with some cheap blonde."

"I see, well I'm sorry to hear that," she said as she picked up the Biochemistry book again. "Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because?"
"They're crucial because they allow organisms to drive desirable reactions that require energy and will not occur by themselves, by coupling them to spontaneous reactions that release energy," I finished.

"Good. Give me the three carbohydrates and three examples of each. And also their catabolic enzymes," she requested.
"A type of monosaccharide is glucose; its catabolic enzyme is glycolysis. A type of disaccharide is sucrose; its catabolic enzyme is sucrase. And a type of polysaccharide is starch; its catabolic enzyme is amylase."

"Okay I guess that's it. We covered Precalculus, Economics and Biochemistry. I think we're as prepared for exams as could be," she shut the book and finished her iced tea. "Let's go to the mall."
"I'd love to, but I'm expected back home now. Maybe next time?" I smiled at her and quickly picked up my books to stuff in my bag.

"Where could you possibly be going on a Sunday evening?" Morgan asked exasperatedly. "We don't hang out anymore, we don't go out anymore, we don't even attend classes together. It's like you're living a whole other life and I'm... invisible!"
"I'm sorry Morgan but I can't tell you. It's all complicated," I sighed as I took out my phone to read a message from Valentino.

*I'm outside, grab your stuff and let's go.
*Okay I'm on my way.

"I'm talking to you and you're busy texting?"
"I'm sorry Morgan, that was my hus- I mean my boyfriend. He was texting me to let me know he was waiting to take me home," I told her, quickly tossing some money on the table begore getting up to leave the cafè.
"Is he outside? I think I'd like to meet said boyfriend," Morgan smiled as she picked up her bag and rose off the table.

"Oh I don't think that's such a good idea Morgan," I hesitated. "He's probably still looking for a place to park, the sun is so hot and..and you know what too much sun does to your skin."

"I won't be staying outside for long Jasmine, it's just to meet your boyfriend," she insisted as she pushed open the glass doors and stepped out onto the pavement. "Also I'd like to see what kind of guy you're dating. Hopefully he treats you better than Allan and-"

Morgan stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Valentino step out of his car, his sunglasses perched on his head. "Hi baby, ready to go?" he asked, unbothered by Morgan's shocked expression.
"Uh yeah, let's go. Morgan I might come to class tomorrow. I'll call you later," I said as I patted her hand and walked to the car. Valentino opened the passenger door for me and he went into the driver's seat. Turning the key in the ignition he drove off.

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