A Bun In Her Oven.

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As soon as the word left her mouth, the world stop spinning for a fraction of a second. Sadie was pregnant. She was carrying Damen's child.

"How long has it been?" I asked, slowly processing the news.
"I found out this morning, the nausea, fatigue and morning sickness have been happening since last week. Things have been a little hard around here, so I passed it off as stress," she murmured as she took a tissue and wiped her eyes and nose.

I nodded my head and my eyes landed on her stomach. "How far along are you?"
She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed tiredly. "Lia says I'm seven weeks along."

"That means you were pregnant before the wedding, probably during the wedding preparations," I mused. "Have you had a lot of alcohol during that time?"
"Just a glass of champagne every now and again," she admitted. But I used to dilute it with water since the smell made me upset."
"So what exactly did the doctor say?"

She sighed again and got off the bed and went to stand by the window. "I didn't want to talk to Riley about this because she'd be compelled to tell Damen. And I didn't want Damen to find out, at least not yet. So I went to see Lia, the family pediatrician."

Flashback from earlier this morning.


"Lia are you absolutely sure you aren't mistaken? I know doctors don't typically make mistakes in a diagnosis but...can you please give me another test for reassurance?" I asked the thirty six year old woman in front of me with pleading eyes.

This morning when I woke up, Damen's side of the bed was empty and a note was lying on his pillow saying he went to meet a client and will be back later. Without my husband lying next to me, there was no way I'd get back to sleep. So I brushed my teeth and went downstairs for an early breakfast of pancakes, eggs and coffee.

Five minutes into my meal, I felt my insides churning like a cotton candy machine and seconds later, I flew off my chair and proceeded to spew my food into the toilet. Not knowing the cause behind my frequent regurgitation, and worried that it may be something more serious than indigestion, I changed my clothes and went to the hospital.

In case of an emergency where the equipment in the infirmary was insufficient or if someone was giving birth and needed a qualified staff to do it, Mr Guerrero bought a rundown private hospital that hasn't been used in years, renovated it and hired the best doctors, surgeons and nurses to work there.

"I assure you the diagnosis is one hundred percent accurate Mrs Guerrero, there's no mistaking it. I ran the tests in a timely and meticulous manner and they all came back positive," she assured me. "You are approximately seven weeks pregnant."

Hearing this my heart sank and I fell against the hospital bed, my eyes brimming with tears. I wasn't sad, regrettable or even angry about my pregnancy, just extremely anxious and utterly terrified. Damen and I were always careful to use protection when we had sex. Condoms and birth control were a must.

Me being the wife of the younger Don of the Guerrero family not only had its perks, it also had its dangers. Rival Mafias and gangs were always looking for a chance to annihilate us, to eradicate the chances of possible competition amongst the future generations of their bloodline and to see us crumble and fall to our demise.

And what better way to ensure that than to harm a woman who was carrying a child of the Guerrero bloodline in her womb? If any of our enemies found out I was pregnant with Damen's child, everyone in the family would be in danger as they will risk their own lives to protect the lives of me and my unborn baby.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें