Back In The Rythm.

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(2nd Edit)


The afternoon spent by the pool was so much fun; that is after Sabrina pushed me into the frigid water and nearly drowned me. We played with the kids, we sunbathed and sipped ice cold drinks prepared by Ria. At five o'clock everyone got out and went inside to shower and change as the breeze was getting colder as the hours passed by. Annalise took Ryan and Rachel out a little earlier than the rest since she didn't want them to get sick as they had school tomorrow. And so did I. I was so happy.

It was the middle of March and midterms were ending in the last week. Then my final exams for my second semester will be in June. Each class lasted for approximately one hour and my school day ended at two. Once my second semester was over, I can relax for summer vacation, and return in September as a sophomore.

When I had showered and changed into leggings and a T-shirt, I spent about thirty minutes seeing about my hair. Once that tedious task was out of the way, I packed my school bag with everything I needed for tomorrow. I missed a day of class, so I needed to collect the notes from my friend Morgan.

She had texted me the day Damen took my phone and I never got back to her. She must've been so worried. I wasn't one to miss classes, so questions as to why I didn't come to school today would undoubtedly arise. I needed to be prepared for it.

"What's for dinner Ria?" I asked our chef as I entered the kitchen.
"We're having Baked Ziti, stuffed bell peppers, chopped salad with Italian dressing and Chicken Parmesan Miss Petrova," Ria with a smile. "And chocolate cheesecake for dessert."
"You may call me Jasmine if you'd like, Miss Petrova is much too formal."
"Forgive me, but the Don has ordered all the staff to show our respect by calling you Miss Petrova."

I nodded understandingly and sat at the island, observing Ria as she cooked. She was a very beautiful woman in her mid forties with thick cinnamon brown hair, opal green eyes and a slightly dark complexion. She was our chef/culinary wonder and a very friendly woman.

After a few minutes I got bored and left the kitchen in search of Sabrina, Riley or even Annalise, hoping they'd be interested in a leisurely chat before dinner. After searching the entire downstairs area I figured they were probably busy. Slightly dejected, I tucked my hands in my pockets and started down the empty hall.

I guess I could devote some time to the library. Books were my source of comfort and sweet relaxation; my refuge, my utopia. I could get lost in the pages forever, absorbed in the words of fantasy, poetry, science, mystery and romance. To travel through time and explore ancient Greece, to swim through the waters of the deepest ocean and discover Atlantis, to thread through the sands of Egypt, the jungles of Asia and the cities of Romania.

"What better way to spend my time than a glorious two hours, sitting in the library," I said to myself.
With resolute in my mind, I turned on my heel and made my way upstairs to the second floor, thankfully I remembered the way.

When I pushed open the mahogany doors and stepped inside, I gasped out of sheer delight. The floors were made of cedarwood, a beautiful Persian rug was in the center of the room, atop it were two cream velvet couches and a coffee table. The curtains were emerald green, their silken fabric soft to the touch.

A chandelier hung directly overhead from the coved ceiling, illuminating the room in a warm golden glow. There was a second level where more books were perfectly alligned. A black railing bordered its edge in a semi circle. I was in heaven. I carefully perused the shelves, my experienced eye picking out the first editions and memorizing their titles. I saw a few more which were my favourites to binge read on.

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