Mess With A Lioness, You Get Bitten.

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(2nd Edit)


I stood in front of my mirror wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a light blue chiffon blouse and strappy heels. Today I was going to my old apartment with Riley and Sabrina to collect my books, a few personal items and whatever else I had left behind. It was after seven in the morning and tomorrow at this time I'll be going back to college. I was so grateful to Valentino and his father for allowing me to go back.

"Knick, knack, knock! Are you done yet? We'd like to leave before the traffic builds up!" I heard Sabrina yell from outside.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my handbag to leave the room. Riley had a couple of errands to run today and offered to drop me off at my apartment. Sabrina was coming along for the ride since the mansion would be mostly empty for the day and she'd have nothing to do.

After breakfast Valentino and Damen will be meeting with a client in uptown Brooklyn, Dean and Felix were going to be working on some car repairs in the garage and Bryce and Dario will be going on a job in Flushing.

Nadia would most likely be in her room, recovering from her latest hangover, leaving Alec in a nanny's care. I voiced my concerns about Alec to Sabrina and she promised to speak to Dario about it. Alec wasn't my nephew or anything but I did care for him. Like I would Andrès.


He was twelve now, one more year and he'd be a teenager. I wouldn't be there to celebrate his birthday with him. The thought broke my heart in two. My only brother and I couldn't even witness his transition into a teenager. Sure it was just one year but he was my baby brother. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I left my room and saw Sabrina standing in the hallway, wearing a peach sundress and matching heels.

"What were you doing in there? Are you not feeling well?" she asked in concern. "Do you need to see Riley before we leave? Your face looks a little pale."
"Oh no it's okay. I was just dreading how I have to see Mrs Ross when we get to my old apartment," I lied.
"Yeah she's such a bitch. From what Damen told me she was a monster in school."

I smiled weakly and we went down to the dining room. I felt like shit lying to my best friend but I didn't want Sabrina to think I wasn't happy here. She and the others were trying hard to make me forget my old life and move on. But I guess it was a good thing. At least I wouldn't think of Allan anymore.

Lying, cheating scumbag.

At the table sat Dean, Felix, Bryce, their father, Annalise, Dario, Ryan and Rachel. Just as I took my own seat, I noticed Valentino, Damen and Mr Guerrero weren't here. It was weird seeing this, considering the fact that they were always up before everyone else.

"I don't want this cereal, there aren't any marshmallows in it. This doesn't even have sugar!" Ryan complained as he pushed his bowl away, refusing to eat the cereal Annalise poured for him.

"Ryan you are to eat this cereal and stop giving me problems. Too much sugar isn't good for you. Do you want to get diabetes and land up in the hospital? No right? So eat," Annalise said sternly as she pushed the bowl towards him.

"Non lo voglio. Non puoi darmi da mangiare qualcosa che non mi piace, non lo mangerò," Ryan said adamantly.
(I don't want it. You can't feed me something I don't like, I won't eat it)
"Me too. It's yucky," Rachel groaned.

"Honey please talk to your children, it's too early for this behavior. They have school and I have things to do today," Annalise said pleadingly as she took her seat next to her husband.
"Ryan, Rachel, please stop troubling your mother and eat your breakfast," Dario reprimanded his children.

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