Break The Barriers, Reach Your Potential.

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Valentino needs to see that you're capable of fighting, defending yourself and holding your own in a fight. When the need arises and you find yourself in a tough situation where you're on your own, it's vital that you learn how to survive," Sabrina said as she rummaged through my closet in search of workout clothes.

After that encounter I had with Valentino at breakfast I left and went up to my room to get ready and Sabrina and Riley came with me. Now I was sitting on my bed and we were having a discussion about what was expected of me.

"Valentino wants you to be an assassin. And in order to do so, you need to be fit, flexible, light on your feet and stealthy," Sabrina  continued. "You also need to know how to make snap decisions in case of an emergency where there's no time to debate. Being an assassin requires skill, decisiveness and strategic planning."

"What kind of skills?" I was afraid to ask but I did anyway.
"Like how to shoot a gun, how to use a knife, how to drive in between other cars without crashing," Riley replied. "This is a dangerous business Jasmine. One that concerns life and death. You can't think using emotions, you have to use logic and reason."
"Will I have to kill anyone?"

Sabrina looked at me sadly and nodded her head. "I'm sorry Jas but that's the way of the Mafia. It's kill or be killed, do or die. You can't avoid it just because you're feeling guilty or empathetic. Our loyalty is to the Sangue Mafia and no one else."

"And if by some miracle my brother allows you to join us you'd better not think of doublecrossing us or you'll be very sorry."

The three of us turned around and saw Damen standing there, a hard, judgemental frown on his face. I stood up from the bed and faced him, my eyes cast down. Sabrina sighed and took out a pile of clothes from the closet and placed them on the bed.

"How long have you been standing there Damen? What if Jasmine had been changing her clothes?" Riley reprimanded.
Ignoring Riley's words, Damen strode into the room and stood directly in front of me. I didn't dare look at him. The fear I felt in his presence was quick to make itself known.

"Valentino is waiting in the gym, he sent me to collect you. Change quickly and let us go, you have a busy today today Miss Petrova," he said with not a hint of friendliness in his voice.
"Okay thank you. And there's no need to call me Miss Petrova, Jasmine will do nicely. Only college professors and my landlady call me Miss Petrova," I told him.

"I didn't ask what people call you. You and I are not friends. You're the girl my brother brought home because he wants to train you. So stop yapping like a rambunctious poodle and get your ass downstairs—now!" he said harshly.

I flinched at his cold tone of voice. I was just trying to be nice, why was he being so abrasive towards me?

"Damen you don't have to speak to her like that, this is hard enough as is without adding your cold attitude to it," Sabrina wrapped her arms around me and glared disapprovingly at him. "You don't have to like her, but you can at least be respectful."

"Sabrina go downstairs and wait with the others. And take Riley with you," Damen ordered.
"But Damen Jasmine is my friend, I can't leave her," she protested.
"I said go downstairs and wait with the others!" he raised his voice and Sabrina immediately released me.

Turning around she reluctantly walked towards the door, looking back at him over her shoulder. "Please don't hurt her."
"Don't be so dramatic Sabrina, I'm not going to hurt her," Damen said rolling his eyes. "Unless she gives me a reason to."

Not having a choice to stay Sabrina left the room with Riley and I was alone with Damen. I glanced behind me and saw the clothes she took out for me: a pair of sleek black tights and a matching tank top with a built in bra. Picking up the clothes I walked into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door.

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