Sacrifices Must Be Made.

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My father and sister were coming along with her husband. I refused to acknowledge him as my brother-in-law. Valentino said they were on their way, coming to the mansion. I was in my room, my head in my hands, filled with anxiety and indecision. When my father saw me here Valentino and his family, God knows how he'll react.

Xavier, Uncle Anthony and Aunt Nancy weren't here, Damen told them that my father, Andriana and Kazimir were coming and if he saw them here...  The thought of something happening to them because of me made bile rise up in my throat.

I sighed and leaned my head against the door, anxious tears stinging my eyes. What to do? What to say? My head was spinning with all the unanswered questions. I felt like throwing up. Rising to my feet I started to restlessly pace the floor, trying to think of a solution to our problem. I stuck my hand in my pocket and closed my eyes to try and gather my scrambled thoughts.

Think Jas think!

And then it hit me. The solution, I had it all along. I knew what to do. I knew how to fix this. The solution was a tough one, but it would work nonetheless. I felt my heart sink in my chest. I had plans for my future—big plans. But looks like I'll have to improvise.


One word described what I felt when I saw them sitting cross legged in front of me. Hatred. Complete and utter hatred.

"Long time no see Valentino, you're looking well," Kazimir said as he draped his arm across Andria's neck. I wanted to slap that condescending smirk off his disgusting face. And permanently disfigure him in the process.

"Can't say the same for you Kazimir. I'm surprised to see you're still sane, hasn't Ivan gotten under your skin yet?" I asked as I took a seat next to Damen and Sabrina.
"My father-in-law treats me with honour and respect, he treats me like his own son," Kazimir said haughtily.

"How lucky for you. And what about Rebecca? I'm sure she despises you, seeing as you're the reason she and her daughter are constantly at each other's throats," Damen laughed.
"Shut your trap Damen," Andria growled.
"Aww is the pretty princess mad? Did I hurt your feelings?" Damen asked, using that baby voice he knew Andria hated.

"Enough! Where is Jasmine? I want to see her, and when I do, I'm taking her home. After I drill bullets in your heads for keeping her with you!" Ivan said angrily.
"Jasmine is a member of the Sangue Mafia, she will stay with us. Even in this rotten life there's laws Ivan," Father said calmly. "You of all people should know that."

"Fuck the laws! Jasmine is my daughter, she's also underage might I add. I'm her father and I will decide what she will and will not do!"
"Exactly why she left home in the first damn place. You and your controlling ways," Sabrina stated.

"Watch yourself bitch, don't dare speak to my father that way!" Andria hissed as she rose off her chair in a rage.
"You'd better watch yourself. Don't forget whose territory you're in," Riley challenged. "Thread lightly Andri-ass."

Kazimir put his hand on Andria's back and made her sit down.
"Relax babe, wouldn't want to stress yourself out too much."
"Yes, listen to your husband, stress isn't good for your health. I wouldn't want you to catch a stroke," I said sarcastically.
"Where is my daughter? I'll not ask again," Ivan shouted.

"Daddy why are you shouting indoors? You always tell us to use our inside voices inside, why are you breaking your own rules?"

Everyone looked up and saw Jasmine descend the stairs, wearing a peach camisole dress that reached mid-thigh, heels and a gold chain around her neck with matching earrings. She also wore a bit of makeup on her face. I stood as did Damen, Sabrina, Father, Uncle Enzo and everyone else who were sitting.

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