She's Poison Disguised As Honey.

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My ass was sore, my lips were red and my panties were damp.

After I left downstairs and came to my room, I dropped my stuff and collapsed on the bed, replaying the events that happened this evening over and over and over in my mind. The possessiveness,  the sheer aggression Valentino showed while he spanked me had me wet and panting in his arms, begging, pleading for more.

He was so fucking hot.

After I finished the little bit of homework I had, I went downstairs to get a snack. I skipped lunch this afternoon so I could finish copy the notes and revise my Calculus, seeing how that was my weakest subject. Tomorrow I had Biochemistry, Economics, English Literature and Internet Technology.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard shouting and a man screaming in pain. It was coming from...the basement? Debating with myself whether to go and investigate or not, I stood there and listened to the screams grow louder and louder.
"Should I stay? Should I go?" I murmured.

After a moment of deliberation I decided to go with the latter.


"You snitched on us to the Russians. What did you tell them?!" I shouted as I hit the traitor yet another punch in his face. He spat out a mouthful of blood and leaned back in his chair. His face had a couple bruises and cuts from my knife littered his body.

Damen, Sabrina, Dean and I have been in here for forty five minutes, trying to extract information from the bastard but he wasn't saying anything, just sitting there getting punch after punch. "I'll ask again Benjamin. What did you tell the Russians!"

"I ain't telling you shit!" he sneered. "Fucking punch me all you want, you ain't getting a word out of me. Not one damn word!"
With a smirk I took my knife and stabbed him square in his hand.
His yell of agony echoed through the walls of the basement where I brought people to be tortured.

The floors were stained in blood and so were the walls, painted in a dingy white. There was a chair in the center of the room and a table with torture devices. Knives, pliers, a hammer and nails, brass knuckles, a chainsaw and injection needles among other things.

"Tino, he hasn't spoken a word since we brought him in," Dean said wearily.
"Maybe we should chop his balls off. That always gets them talking," Damen suggested.

"I told you, not everyone needs to get their balls chopped off when we're torturing them. You'll spoil it for the rest of us," I said rolling my eyes. "There are other ways to extract information you know."
"Boring ways you mean," Damen mumbled.

"Let me play Wacka-A-Mole with him. The last time I did, the man I tortured started spiting information out like mouthwash," Sabrina said picking up a hammer.

"Hey what's going on down here?"

All of us turned around and saw Jasmine standing at the top of the staircase that led down into the basement.
"This douche was snitching on us to the Russians," Damen said. "The day CJ engaged us in a gunfight, he told her we'd be there. He won't say a word to us, we're trying to get him to talk."

Jasmine nodded and walked up to Benjamin, her steps slow and intimidating. She bent down until they were eye to eye. "You're the one who told CJ that Damen, Sabrina and I were going to Tom Miller's place, correct?"

"Yeah I told CJ that they'd be going," he said cockily. "I didn't know you'd be going too though."
"Can I ask why? I mean, you know the consequences of what happens when Valentino discovers a traitor amongst his men, so why take the risk of getting caught and ultimately, killed?"
"CJ promised that if I helped her, she'd help me."
"Help you do what exactly?"

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