Mess With A Lioness, You Get Bitten: Part Two.

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"I always knew Andria was a wicked person. Even before she cheated on Valentino I had sensed this darkness in her, something that most likely turned her into this maniacal, heartless person. But what she did to her own brother, is beyond cruel," Father remarked as he sank down on the couch with a glass of scotch.

"Her brother, her own flesh and blood," I said disgustedly. "I can only imagine how Jasmine is feeling."
"You don't have to imagine how she's feeling," Damen murmured. "All you have to do is look behind you and you'll know."

I didn't have to be told twice. The heavy breathing, the sound of her shoes hitting the floor and the angry muttering said a lot.
"Jas, where are you going? Don't tell me you're actually thinking of going to Cobble Hill," Sabrina said cautiously.

Oh hell no.

Let her scream and yell and curse like a drunken sailor all she wants, but I was not allowing her to go to that place. It's not happening. Turning around I saw my wife—my utterly furious, vindictive and beyond reasonable wife— descend the stairs.

"She insulted me, I let it go, she insulted Mom, I let it go, she rudely barged into our home and threatened us, I let it go. She ruined my wedding reception, I let that go too. I did more letting go than Elsa in Frozen! But not this time. This time, this time I'm gonna kill that stuck up, impertinent skank!"

I don't think I've ever seen Jasmine this angry before. Probably once or twice. The time Ivan and Andria came to invite us for the engagement party at Kazimir's mansion, then at our wedding when she and Andria got into a fight and Ivan left in a rage, dragging Rebecca and Andrès behind him.

"Jasmine you are not going to Cobble Hill. This is just insane!" Annalise exclaimed.
"Call it what you want, I'm going over there and teaching my dear sister a lesson! And her sadist of a husband won't be able to do shit about it," she shouted.

"What are you planning to do once you get there, huh? Yell at them and threaten to shoot them if they don't come here and apologize to Andrès?" I asked folding my arms across my chest. "I'm sorry to tell you this Jasmine, but that may work on Nadia but it won't affect a man like Kazimir."

"I don't care. It's not Kazimir I'm targeting, it's my sister. If he interferes, he'll simply be collateral damage," she snapped.
"Sure, and then once you attack him, his guards will attack you,  then we'll attack them for attacking you and there'll be bloodshed because of it," I said, trying to keep my anger at bay.

"I understand that Valentino, but what the fuck do you expect?! Andriana hurt Andrès, she damaged him so badly and for what? Because he didn't eat her pancakes! She beat him up over mother fucking pancakes!" Jasmine yelled.

"Lower your fucking voice!" I yelled back.
"Why the fuck should I?!"
"Because I said so! Yell at me again and you'll get a tight slap across your face! And not the kinky ones either!"

That got her quiet for a moment. She leaned against the wall and huffed angrily while muttering profanities under her breath.
Feeling bad for yelling at her, I walked over to where she stood and touched her shoulder, but she slapped my hand away. Just at that moment the front door opened and we all turned around to see a guard enter the living room.

"Xavier Henrique, his parents and Rebecca Petrova have arrived Don, they're outside as we speak," he announced.
"Send them in," I permitted as I straightened my jacket.

He nodded and went to retrieve them. Taking a seat next to my father and Damen, I motioned for Jasmine to do the same but she shook her head in denial. Not having any of that I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to the couch, forcing her to sit.

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