Calm, Cool And Carefree.

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Around twelve pm Valentino and I got up off the sand and took a slow, leisurely walk on the shoreline. My white coverup was constantly billowing in the strong east coast wind and the tide would continuously push and pull the water and ever so often I'd get an unexpected splash.

"As kids, my cousins and I came to The Hamptons every summer with our parents. We used to play tag, hide and seek and soccer. Father and Uncle Enzo would come into the water and teach us how to swim. Felix was always so scared, but Dean, Dario, Bryce and I loved it," Valentino said with a reminiscent smile.

"Those days must have been fun," I mused.
"They were fun," he agreed. "Then when Mother left us, we started coming less and less. It was just too painful for Father to endure. Damen was only two when Mother left so he doesn't have any memories of her. The only reason he hates her now is because of all the things Father told him. He didn't want Damen to be under any false pretenses."

I nodded my head understandingly. To have such a wonderful childhood where you were blissful and content in every moment, not worrying, just being a child, to have those memories tainted by a single incident was devastating—for a child and even more so for an adult with the strongest mind.

The pain of Valentino's mother cheating on her husband and leaving her family must've been one of the most traumatizing things to ever happen to them. Mr Guerrero was never remarried, so he raised his sons alone.

I felt his pain in my heart.

In an attempt to soothe him I laced my fingers with his and leaned my head on his shoulder. He looked down and saw my baby blues staring up at him. With a smile he pressed a soft kiss my forehead.
"You're just so handsome when you smile."
"And you're just so beautiful when you laugh."


I stifled a laugh and ran to rescue Riley from Bud, Lou and Mandy whom I brought along for the trip. They needed the exercise and sunlight. Keeping them in the enclosure all day wasn't good for them. The only problem was they couldn't resist Riley. Since they came they were constantly chasing after and licking her.

"Bud, Lou, Mandy, behave and  leave Riley alone," I scolded.
In reply they whooped and started to lick me, jumping up and down while doing so. I giggled and dropped down on my knees, allowing them to climb all over me.

Valentino took a seat on the blanket and when Lou saw him, he went to lick his fingers. Whenever he could Valentino would come and play with the pups, pet them, give them treats and if weather and time permitted, he'd take them for walks on the estate. He grew very fond of them, and they in turn grew very fond of him.

"I can't believe you brought these little monsters to the beach, they're noisy, viscous and snappish," Riley groaned as she sat cross legged on the blanket, a pineapple cocktail in her hand.
"I brought them because they've been locked up in the enclosure for too long. And they aren't viscous or noisy, just playful," I told her.

"What's with all the racket...I'm trying to sleep," Sadie moaned as she turned over in Damen's lap, her face directly on his crotch, acting as a pillow for her head.
"Baby as much as I love having you sleep on me, you've been in this position for hours. My dick is starting to hurt," Damen said stroking her hair affectionately. She mumbled something incoherent and sat up on the blanket, rubbing her eyes and yawning. I handed her a cup of water and she accepted it with a groggy smile.

"I want to collect some sea shells for my collection, do you guys wanna come with me?" Riley asked rising to her feet.
"Yes let's, taking a walk in the salty air is good for you. Doctors say that salt therapy has been found to benefit a wide variety of health conditions such as the flu, asthma, chronic bronchitis, acne and even skin conditions," I said.

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