Delivery Run.

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(2nd Edit)


Kill or be killed.
Do or die.
Trust no one.

Those three rules resonated throughout my mind all morning as I went about conducting my morning routine. After my shower I changed into a pair of black leather pants, a black crop top and grey sneakers. When I was just coming out of bed, Sabrina came in and told me to get dressed in attire suitable for training. I asked why and she said I'll be going on a delivery mission with Dean, Riley and herself. To familiarize myself with the field.

Just as I pulled my hair into a ponytail, there was a knock at my door. I opened it and saw Valentino standing there. After our heart-to-heart conversation last night I was eager to speak with him. He confided in me, he opened up to me and told me about his past I was glad he did. It meant he trusted me and for that I was grateful.

"Breakfast is served, come downstairs as soon as you're finished getting ready," he said simply.
"Oh.. okay. Thank you. I'm done, let's go," I say as I close my door.

He walked off down the hall and I followed. He was probably agitated over something or the other so I decided not to ask him any unnecessary questions. The walk to the dining room was silent, with neither of us saying a word. After a while I grew tired of the nerve-racking silence and finally asked, "What will I be doing today?"

"I have a new shipment of weapons coming in this morning. You will be going along with Dean, Sabrina and Riley to retrieve them. Later I will be teaching you how to use a gun. You'll need the extra practice for when you go to the Brooklyn Party Space with Damen and I to kill Donald Skavinsky as part of your initiation into the Sangue Mafia," was his immediate response.

I nodded my head understandingly and the two of us went down the stairs that led into the dining room where the rest of the family was already seated. We took our seats and the maids started to dish out our breakfast. Dean, Riley and Sabrina were dressed in attire similar to mine and I froze momentarily when I saw how many guns and knives were strapped to their bodies.

"Did you get Jasmine's bulletproof vest Damen?" Valentino asked.
Damen put down his fork and tossed a black, jacket like clothing at me. I wasn't expecting him to throw it so it fell on the floor.
"Couldn't you hand it to me instead of throwing it? I'm not a dog you know," I said indignantly.

"It's not my fault you don't have any reflxes," he said nonchalantly.
"Maldito seas. Pinchazo insolente," I scoffed.
(Damn you. Insolent prick)
"What did you just say?" he asked glaring daggers at me.
"Nothing I'll be repeating. Despite your infuriating behavior and misogynistic attitude I try to be nice to you. But you've made it inexplicably clear that you don't appreciate it. So from now on I'll treat you like how you treat me."

"You see Valentino? This is why I told you to stay away from her. You see this girl? This girl is trouble. She's just like her father. Clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"Don't dare compare me to my father," I said in a warning voice.
"Why shouldn't I? He helped give birth to you didn't he?" he had the nerve to ask.

"Damen leave her alone, why must you tease her like this? It's not funny. Cut it out," Riley said sternly. 
"Am I not allowed to be honest? She's a Petrova, all of them are the same. She can't deny the fact that she's Ivan's daughter. Rebecca knew what business her husband was involved in, if they were as close as she claimed why didn't she tell her about it?"

"I don't know okay? Can't you just leave it alone?" I asked, clenching my fists in a tight ball.
"I don't know about that sweetie," he said shaking his head. "Then there's your sister. I'm surprised she never told you that she was-"

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