Handsome Stranger.

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"Okay, Uncle Tino said you can have ice cream, let's go get some," I said hanging up the phone and rising off the bench. Ryan picked up his football and ran over to where I stood. Rachel followed with her picnic set and Barbies. I took both their hands in mine and we walked down the path where an ice cream stand was visible under a oak shady tree.

"What flavours would you like?" I asked, taking out my wallet.
"I like Cookies and Cream, Ryan likes Pistachio," Rachel said.

I smiled and ordered two scoops of Cookies and Cream for Rachel and two scoops of Pistachio for Ryan on a cone and ordered Mint Chocolate Chip for myself. After studying for two hours I needed chocolate to put my mind at ease.

When the ice creams were ready I paid for them and we sat on a bench under the tree to eat. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon, the breeze was strong and the sun was hot, covered by a few clouds, floating around in the blue sky. When the ice cream was gone I took wipes from my purse and we cleaned up. Checking my watch I saw that it was nearly three o'clock.

"Time to go home kids," I said as I took both their hands in mine and walked towards the car that was parked a few yards away.

"Thanks for today Jasmine, we had so much fun," Rachel said excitedly. "Can we go to the zoo next Sunday?"
"We'll see what your parents say. If they say yes, then I'll take you kids," I promised. "But not this Sunday, I won't be home."

"Why not? Are you going somewhere?" Ryan asked curiously.
"Uncle Tino and I are getting married on Sunday, then he's taking me on a honeymoon," I told him.
"Ooh that's so exciting!" Rachel squealed. "Mommy and Daddy says that Uncle Tino and Uncle Damen are really our cousins, but they say we have to call them that out of respect. But what will we call you Jasmine?"

I smiled, amazed at her intelligence at such a young age. "I don't want to confuse you guys, so you can just continue to call me-"


I paused upon hearing my name being called and turned around. My eyes widened when I saw him. The cheating bastard, the man who ripped my heart out and shamelessly betrayed me. Allan was never one to admit when he was wrong, so I didn't imagine him coming here to apologize for breaking my heart.

Hanging on his arm was Kalli, a devilish smirk on her face. They came up to me and I straightened up, not giving him a chance to see how much his sudden appearance had affected me.

"How've you been Jasmine? I called Sadie's phone to see where you were a few weeks ago, you were at some party, or so she told me," Allan said smiling at me.
"What do you want Allan? I'm busy," I said impatiently.
"Doing what? And whose kids are these?"
"That's none of your concern."

He folded his arms across his chest and searched my face for any signs of hesitation. "Are you angry Jas?"
"I'm not angry. And don't call me Jas. Only family and people I'm close with are allowed to call me Jas. You lost that right when you cheated on me. Speaking of which-" I paused to gesture to Kalli who was wearing an overly short dress and a lot of makeup. "you should get back to that."

"Kalli doesn't mind if we're friends, or at least fuck buddies, she's good with an open relationship," he confessed.
"Only a woman with low self esteem and little to no self respect would sit back and let her man do it with another woman," I said bluntly. "Had I known you were screwing her behind my back, I would've dumped you a long time ago."

"Well it's not like you were giving Allan the sex he deserves, you were far too busy playing Little Miss Virtuous to even bother. Someone had to fuck him," Kalli snickered.
"Watch your mouth around the kids!" I said sharply.
"Or what Jas?" she asked tauntingly.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now