The Bitterness Of The Past.

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(2nd Edit)


Four years ago...

"Father! The Russians are attacking the mansion! They're using machine guns and are firing from their choppers. Damen is trying to keep those that are on the ground from entering," I ran into the library where Father was sitting in his chair, blood on my shirt and an FN MiniMi machine gun in my hand.

"Where is Riley? Tell her to bring her M60 machine gun and hide with Annalise and the children, tell Felix and Bryce to help Damen and tell your Uncle to go with Dean and Dario to eliminate the rest of men," Father instructed.

"Ivan is leading them Father," I said in a low voice.
Father rose off the chair and approached me, his face set in tight angry lines. "Did you see him? And if you did, where is he?"
"He's standing next to Kazimir," I replied. "And Kazimir has Andria on his arm... I saw his engagement ring on her finger."

"Quindi Kazimir sposerà la ragazza. Vedo com'è. Quel cazzo viscido. Ci ha tradito," Father said disgustedly.
(So Kazimir is going to marry the girl. I see how it is. That slimy prick, he betrayed us)

"What will we do now Father? Ivan is no longer on our side, he has joined the Russians, our greatest enemy. We've lost Father. We've lost. It's over," I said dropping the gun on the ground.
"All is not lost! Just because Ivan betrayed us and went off to join the Russians does not mean we will hang our heads in shame!" Father declared as he firmly grasped my shoulder.

"This is what I get for trusting anyone. That bastard drove a dagger into our backs and committed such a shameful act," I said through gritted teeth. "I swear he will pay for this."
"That he will. Do not fear my son. Ivan has no idea of the war he's waged with the Sangue Mafia. We will have our chance, but until then we must have patience. Now go and help your brother. Family is far more important than their betrayal."

I nodded my head and picked back up my gun. "Yes. Family is everything. And as long as I'm alive, I will not hesitate to kill anyone who dares to harm this family."

I was betrayed by those fuckers.

They didn't care when they so connivingly backstabbed me and left me in the cold to rot. Ivan Petrova was the slimiest, most cantankerous, good for nothing son of a bitch I have ever known. He promised an alliance, promised he would forge an alliance where both families would benefit from it. A product of two families joined together with mutual interests: the destruction of the Russian Mafia.

But deciding we weren't good enough, he turned and ran to the Russians, wagging his tail behind him like a dog as he begged for treats. Then when we were least expecting it, he attacked! He came like a thief, robbed us and left, escaping under the cover of darkness and leaving us with nothing!

Then there was the promise that would bind us together as one. But when that promise was broken, so was our friendship, our partnership and the years of trust between the Guerreros and the Petrovas. Gone like dust in the wind.

Now I would return the favor.

I swore I would get my revenge. And what better revenge was there than to use his own flesh and blood against him? He'd never see it coming. He'd never suspect his own daughter to be the one holding the dagger, ready to plunge it in his heart. Never in his wildest dreams he'd imagine his little girl being the death of him.

Three hours after I left Jasmine's room I went to my own room and went straight to the bathroom to shower. While the hot water ran down my body and clouded the glass cubicle with steam, my mind wandered back to the moment I shared with Jasmine.

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