In The Comfort Of Your Arms.

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After we left the playroom, Valentino picked up my weary body and carried me bridal style to our bathroom. I was half asleep when he placed me on the sink and went to turn on the shower. Satisfied with the temperature he helped me into the steaming cubicle and closed the door when the both of us were inside.

The moment he started to scrub my body, Valentino went from dominating and rough to gentle and loving. He was attentive to my every need, whether physical, emotional or mental. Any small gesture, any suble hint— whatever it may be, he tended to it.

When he reached my ass he was careful not to scrub too hard as it was still tender from the flogger's consecutive lashes. When every inch of my body was clean he began to wash my hair, using his own shampoo and conditioner, an expensive Italian brand named Bvlgari. It smelt of something herbal, like tea leaves or something.

When I asked, he confirmed that it was green tea. He lathered generous amounts into my hair, scratching and massaging my scalp with his hands. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, relaxing under his care. When he rinsed the conditioner out, he began to scrub his own body. Despite my physical and mental fatigue, I helped him with his shower.

Taking some of the shampoo in my hands I reached up on tiptoe to wash his hair, straining with his six foot six height, much smaller than my five foot nine height. Amused with my efforts, he picked me up and held me in his arms. I squealed out of surprise and started to giggle at the unexpected action.

Wrapping my legs around his waist like a seatbelt, I started to massage the shampoo in just like he did for me, doing the same with the conditioner. When I was done with that task, he stepped under the shower and I thoroughly rinsed out the suds.

"Time to come out now love, I don't want you to get sick being in the water for too long," he said as he turned off the faucet and set me on my feet. Grabbing two towels he handed one to me and took one for himself.

"That's not such a bad idea. Even if I do get sick, you'll just have to pay extra special attention to me that's all," I laughed and wrapped my soaking wet hair in a thick white towel to soak up the excess moisture.

With a chuckle, Valentino dried himself off with his towel and I did the same. We left the bathroom and Valentino went to the closet to change into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I simply wore a pair of panties and one of his oversized hoodies. His scent lingered on the fabric and I wrapped my arms around myself, engulfed in its warmth. I closed my eyes and inhaled the enticing fragrance as if it were the most amazing scent in the world.

Which in my eyes— or rather my nose— it was.

"What would you like for dinner sweetheart?" he asked rubbing his head with the towel.
"Hmm I dunno. I don't think I have the energy to cook anything," I yawned. "Can we order takeout instead?"
"Anything for you amore mio," he said kissing me on my lips.

I smiled and turned to face the mirror, focusing on drying my hair and hiding the blush that crept up on my cheeks whenever Valentino and I shared an intimate moment. Hearing his footsteps behind me and feeling his arms snake around my waist, I stopped drying my hair, my heart beating frantically in my chest.

"You're mine Jasmine, all mine," he whispered harshly in my ear.
"Yes I know," I murmured softly.
"Fucking say it. Say you're mine," he pushed the sleeve of the hoodie down and latched onto my neck, sucking hard on the skin.
"I..I'm yours, I'm yours Valentino, I'm yours."

"Louder! I want the whole fucking house to hear who you belong to. Say it louder!" he growled as he continued sucking on my neck with no intention of letting up. I moaned softly and clenched my legs together, feeling wetness start to slowly gather in my panties.
"I'm not hearing anything, fucking tell me who do you belong to!"
"You Valentino! I belong to you, no one else! I fucking belong to you, only you! I'm yours, I'm yours baby, I'm yours!"

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