Old Desires Resurface.

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(2nd Edit)


I watched Jasmine's retreating figure walk up the stairs and instantly regretted treating her the way I did. She didn't do anything wrong in trying to comfort Alec, that much was obvious. But if I didn't make her apologize then it would seem like I valued her words more than Nadia's, and that was the last thing I wanted everyone to think.

I also didn't doubt her when she said there was a man in Nadia's room. She brought as many men to her room as she did alcohol bottles. But what could I do? I wasn't there, I didn't see what happened.

"Mommy can we go and see Jasmine? She's so sad that Valentino yelled at her, can we go up please?" Rachel asked her mother.
"No sweetheart, Jasmine needs some time alone to sort out her emotions. Maybe later you can go up," Annalise told her.
"But she's lonely, someone has to go up," Ryan added.

"Don't worry kids I'll go up. Jasmine is my best friend, I know how to comfort her when she's sad," Sabrina assured them as she rose off the couch and walked towards the stairs. Before she left however she shot a glare at Nadia. "I swear you are such a bitch Nadia. No wonder Bryton left you."
"Wait Sabrina, I'll come too," Riley said as she followed Sabrina up the stairs but paused to shake her head at Nadia. "I hope you realize how utterly pathetic you are Nadia."

"Why is everyone treating me this way? She was the wrong one and yet Riley and Sabrina are treating me like the enemy!" Nadia exclaimed in annoyance as she walked off with Alec in her arms.
"So are we still calling the family meeting?" Dario inquired.
"Maybe later. Right now I desperately need a drink. My nerves are shot to hell," I groaned.


Once I was safely in my room I shut the door and went to take a shower. My head ached and I felt like throwing up. Stress had a negative effect on my health and often had me feeling like shit. A shower and food. That always fixed everything. Turning the water on hot I stepped under the spray and closed my eyes.

While the water was running down my back my thoughts drifted to Valentino. He yelled at me and forced me to apologize to Nadia when all I did was comfort a baby in need. It disgusted me how neglectful she was of her own child. Oh well. As Valentino so rightly said, Alec wasn't my child. I had no rights on him. Nadia was his mother, let her take care of him.

I quickly soaped myself and rinsed off the suds, making sure to wash every crease and crevice. While I was in the gym I sweated a lot and I wanted to wash it all away. After my shower I went to my closet and took out some comfortable clothes to wear. I'd be staying in my room for the rest of the day so a pair of denim shorts and a white halter top would be perfect. I changed and ran my fingers through my hair, just to make it a little decent in case Sabrina came to visit.

"Jasmine are you in there?"

Sabrina you'll live for a hundred years.

I walked to the door and opened it to see her and Carol standing there with a tray of sandwiches, a bag of jumbo potato chips, a bottle of Coke, bars of my favorite chocolate and some cookies on a plate. Riley was also there and she had a few pillows and a blanket in her arms.

"What's all this girls?" I asked laughingly.
"It's lunch time and we thought you'd be hungry," Sabrina said beaming at me. "Lunch, snacks and movies. You in?"
"This is all nice but I'm not really hungry."
"Please. I'm your best friend, I know you better than I do my own sister. You're hungry, you're depressed and food always fixes everything. Don't bother denying it."

Not bothering to argue when I knew she was right, I let them in. Carol arranged the food on the table and left shortly after. Sabrina immediately launched herself on my bed and made herself comfortable. Riley was a little more dignified and organized the pillows and blanket on the couch and took a seat at the edge of my bed, folding her legs beneath her.

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