No Crying In The Club.

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(2nd Edit)


After Sadie and I had dinner at the restaurant —beef enchiladas and a spicy chili sauce on the side — we drove on to the club. It was nearly eight o'clock and already there was a long line of people waiting. Two large muscular bouncers were at the entrance, checking IDs and doing body scans.

At that moment I realized that a person had to be at least eighteen to get in. I just turned seventeen in February, there was no way they'd let me in. I pointed that out to Sadie who just laughed it off and took my arm to lead me to the club's entrance.

"Sadie they won't let me in," I whisper yelled.
"Relax girl, you're with me, remember that. They'll let us through, trust me," Sadie's comforting words did nothing to alleviate my skeptism. In fact it worsened the fear I felt. Sadie was somewhat of a chippy gopher when she didn't get her way. She got angry easily and was like a time bomb: unpredictable.

She walked fearlessly up to the bouncer on the left and placed her hands on her hips. When he saw her standing there he pulled the chain aside and allowed us in, past the people who were already waiting without neither a body scan nor an ID check. I followed her in a daze. How'd she do that?

"Close your mouth Jasmine you'll catch flies," Sadie giggled as she made her way to the bar and perched herself up on the stool. I sat next to her and rested my elbows on the counter. "How in the hell did you do that? You didn't show him any ID, he didn't give you a body scan, he didn't even ask your age."

"You mightn't believe it, but I've been here countless times. All the bouncers know me, they don't give me a second glance," she said flipping her hair to the side. A bartender came up to the counter and Sadie ordered two shots of tequila for us.

"Sadie I'm underage I can't drink," I protested.
"Jasmine what's the point of coming to a nightclub if you're not going to drink? Come on don't be an old coot," Sadie rolled her eyes and handed me a shot and took the other one for herself.

What say? Should I follow Sadie's advice and take the drink? Or play it safe and drink water? My conscience screamed yes to the latter, while my subconscious screamed yes to the former. I mean what do I have to lose?

My boyfriend wasn't here to dictate me and tell me how to live my life and neither is my father. I've been under so much stress lately with college and paying my bills that I was going bonkers. Maybe a quick drink wouldn't be such a bad thing right? So going with the latter, I accepted the tequila.

"Atta girl, you deserve to let loose for a change. Your douchebag ex on one end, your bitchy landlady on the other. Toss this bullshit out the window, get drunk, get laid, have fun!" Sadie shouted to be heard above the loud rock music playing in the congested nightclub, alive with alcohol and people dancing.

I smirked and followed her advice and downed a shot, allowing the burning liquid to slide down my throat and settle in my stomach. She was right, I deserved to have some fun. My life sucked. My boyfriend was a cheater, my landlady a bitch and so was my boss. My nerves were shot to hell.

I took a bold move and poured myself another shot and it disappeared just as quickly as the first. Sadie was impressed by my change in attitude. She raised her glass in the air and we toasted, to my new relationship status: single as fuck.

"Screw Allan, screw Mrs Ross, screw Angelique and screw that blonde bimbo Allan was fucking in bed today!" I raised my third tequila shot in a toast and downed it with Sadie applauding vigorously and cheering me on. "Stick that middle finger in the air girl! You're a single bitch! Own it!"

For the next two hours we sat there talking, laughing and downing more tequila shots until Sadie decided she needed to use the restroom.
"Hold the f..fort down imma empty meh bladder," she slurred.
I raised the bottle half-heartedly in the air and a few drops of the tequila accidentally sloshed on my clothes.

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