You're Stronger Than What They Say.

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The moment the taxi pulled up to the mansion I took out a twenty and paid him and literally yanked open the door, ignoring his voice calling me for my change. Those girls and their words hurt me so badly, I just wanted to go to my room, lock the door and cry.  I know it wasn't a very mature thing to do, but right now I could give less of a fuck what anyone thought of me.

Loud talking and boisterous laughter reached my ears the moment I stepped into the living room and I could see all the guys lounging about, drinking and smoking while women from the strip club surrounded them, giving out lap dances and blowjobs. Slightly stunned, I dropped my bag on the floor and all heads turned in my direction.

"Jasmine? What happened? Are you okay?" Dean asked worriedly.
Not wanting to explain myself and have them see me like this— with my windblown hair, stained dress and tear streaked face— I ran past them and up the stairs, unable to hold in my sobs.

I didn't need a mirror to guess how pathetic I looked.


"You didn't look like you were enjoying yourself earlier Valentino. I've been observing you all afternoon, what's the matter?" Father asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It's not that Dad, the bachelor party was fun, but I couldn't really enjoy it. It's just...not my style to be perfectly honest," I admitted.

"It used to be your style before you met Jasmine," he pointed out. "Now that you're engaged, you don't indulge in such activities like you used to before she came into your life."
"No Dad, that's not it," I denied as I took a drag on my cigarette. "It's just that-"

"Just what?" he probed. "You're getting married in a week's time Valentino, Jasmine will become your wife, you'll be sharing everything with her. Your home, your family, your money, your bed...not to mention your dick."
"Dad please! Are we seriously talking about that now?" I groaned.
"Don't act so prudish. I know you're anxiously waiting for a chance to fuck her. She's an untouched virgin, I can only imagine how badly you want to be the first to claim her."

I covered my face in my hands, eternally grateful it was just the two of us here. It was my good fortune that Damen, Theodore, Dean and the rest of them were downstairs getting shit faced with drugs and alcohol. Otherwise those bastards would've tormented me from now until the wedding.

Father smiled and turned to leave the roof where we had come earlier to enjoy the quiet and have a little talk without intrusion. I followed him and we walked down the stairs and onto the third floor, empty with not a sould around. The guys were downstairs and the girls were still at at Jasmine's bachelorette party.

The quietness didn't last long though.

Just as we rounded the corner, I heard loud, tense voices and saw Damen, Xavier, Carson, Nicole, Uncle Enzo and Dario standing outside Jasmine's bedroom door.

"What's going on?" I wanted to know.
"We were all in the living room when Jasmine came running inside. She looked a hot mess and she was crying," Carson replied. "We tried to ask her what's wrong but she just came and locked herself in her room."

"Where are Sabrina, Riley and Annalise?" Father inquired.
"They're not here yet. Something must've happened at the bachelorette party which caused Jasmine to get upset and come here without them," Xavier said as he knocked on Jasmine's door again. "Jasmine, por favor, saia e diga-nos o que há de errado. Todos estão preocupados com você."
(Jasmine, please come out and tell us what's wrong. Everyone is worried about you)

"Leave me alone Xavier! I don't want to see anyone, please..please just go away. I don't want to see anyone right now," she cried out.
"Jas don't say that, I want to help you. Please querida, open the door," Xavier pleaded.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora